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Although Fantasy Marching Arts is free to play, there are costs associated with the web servers and site maintenance. I rely on support from the FMA community to help keep things running smoothly (and keep the game free). If you want to help out, I've put together some packages that you can purchase once per season. These will give your groups small bonuses, as a way of saying "Thanks!"
Paradiddle Pack
What you get:
+ 500 game money for each group
+ 500 influence for each group
+ 1,000 experience for each group
+ Name listed as a supporter
+ Supporter badge for 1 season
+ Internet hug

B-flat Concert Pack
What you get:
+ 1,200 game money for each group
+ 1,200 influence for each group
+ 2,500 experience for each group
+ Name listed as a supporter
+ Supporter badge for 1 season
+ Internet hug

Scatter Drill Pack
What you get:
+ 2,500 game money for each group
+ 2,500 influence for each group
+ 6,000 experience for each group
+ Name listed as a supporter
+ Supporter badge for 1 season
+ Internet hug

World Class Pack
What you get:
+ 4,000 game money for each group
+ 4,000 influence for each group
+ 9,000 experience for each group
+ Name listed as a supporter
+ Supporter badge for 1 season
+ Internet hug

This season's supporters: