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Stats and Rankings
  Group Score S#
1 Marching Knights ENCORE 20.000 60
2 Impact Regiment ENCORE 19.940 60
3 Spirit of Westchestertonfieldville 19.685 60
4 Living Room Crusaders MBTG 19.595 60
5 Peachtree Cadet Marching Band ENCORE 19.165 60
6 Commonwealth Arts Academy H.S. Band ENCORE 18.830 60
7 Spirit of Central CSI 18.130 60
8 Lakewood Ranch Marching Mustangs BoA 17.975 60
9 E.S. Blofeld ENCORE 17.700 60
10 Father Ryan Virtual Band STAMB 17.645 60
11 Warrior Marching Regiment BoA 17.415 60
12 Central Area Marching Band and Colorguard ENCORE 17.325 60
13 007 17.220 60
14 Aftershock NZ Performing Arts School ENCORE 17.090 60
15 Warrior Regiment ENCORE 16.960 60
16 Meadowbrook Colts Marching Band MMB-LC 16.955 60
17 Kahok Express BoA 16.825 60
18 Toledo Rockets Marching Band MMB-LC 16.760 60
19 Sun City Marching Band 16.615 60
20 District 5 15.725 60
21 Robinson Secondary School Marching Rams ENCORE 15.715 60
22 Brooklyn United Marching Band USBEA 15.575 60
23 Red Regiment Marching Pride ENCORE 15.535 60
24 Amherst Marching Comets vDCA-B 15.445 60
25 South Mountaineers Marching Band MMB-LC 15.390 60
26 Spanish Park HS Regiment 15.380 60
27 Pride of Armorgorr 15.135 60
28 Sweetwater FBOA 14.700 60
29 Gold Coast Marching Ensemble ENCORE 14.645 60
30 Platte County Black Vanguard STAMB 14.030 60
31 Kent State Eagles Marching Band MMB-LC 13.935 60
32 Brass with class ENCORE 13.725 60
33 Atlanta Honor Band ENCORE 13.655 60
34 The Red Lightning STAMB 13.625 60
35 Wenatchee HS Golden Apple Marching Band 13.580 60
36 Silver Panther Marching Band ENCORE 13.475 60
37 Avery Viking Marching Band USBEA 13.360 60
38 The Capricorn Marching Sea-Goats ENCORE 13.295 60
39 Rebel Regiment MBI 13.210 60
40 Platte County Marching Morriones STAMB 13.205 60
41 Rising Blue BoA 13.200 60
42 Spirit of New Castle ENCORE 13.190 60
43 Pride of the Valley USBEA 13.135 60
44 Marching Shekle Freckles MMB-LC 13.100 60
45 Mt. Juliet HS Band of Gold ENCORE 13.035 60
46 Snerling Human Jukebox 12.890 60
47 Sergeants of Sullivan County MMB-LC 12.830 60
48 The Pride of the Brahmans ENCORE 12.730 60
49 The Decade Band ENCORE 12.590 60
50 East Carolina Outdoor Performance Ensemble ENCORE 12.355 60
51 SDC Marching Band 12.330 60
52 Eagle Regiment M5MB 12.270 60
53 Onyx Regiment WCMBC 12.160 60
54 William Mason 12.155 60
55 Great Big Band BoA 12.060 60
56 Aviators BoA 11.860 60
57 Aero Independent BoA 11.810 60
58 Cranberry Marching Wildcats USBEA 11.690 60
59 Desert Vanguard NBC 11.630 60
60 Arlen Armadillo Military Marching Band 11.580 60
61 RIOT MMB-LC 11.440 60
62 Scaramanga ENCORE 11.440 60
63 Infinite Outdoor Performance BoA 11.345 60
64 Blue Regiment STAMB 11.340 60
65 Kitchen Brigadiers ENCORE 11.320 60
66 Valley Marchmasters NEC 11.295 60
67 Greenfield Central Marching Band ENCORE 11.280 60
68 Columbus Asche Marching Band MMB-LC 11.225 60
69 Incognito Elites B 11.095 60
70 The unicorns MMB-LC 10.930 60
71 Bassett Band of Distinction MFA 10.845 60
72 Grey Pride CPML2 10.840 60
73 Emerald City Cadets LGMB 10.805 60
74 Connersville Marching spartans MMB-LC 10.675 60
75 The Spreaders of Truth Marching Band MMB-LC 10.500 60
76 Marching Band BoA 10.485 60
77 The Pride of Mississippi 10.355 60
78 Mavericks 10.210 60
79 cowboys 10.195 60
80 Fierté de Sherbrooke 10.005 60
81 Marching Phoinexes MMB-LC 9.945 60
82 Marching Knights BRAVO! 9.755 60
84 The Matrix WBA 9.705 60
85 Blazin' Band NBC 9.680 60
86 Monacan Marching Chiefs ENCORE 9.675 60
87 Sound of Sun Prairie MACBDA 9.620 60
88 Meteors ENCORE 9.535 60
89 Marching Warrior Band MMB-LC 9.525 60
90 SmithsStation HS.PantherSpiritMarchingBand BoA 9.475 60
91 The tributes 9.465 60
92 Regiment of the Realm MBCC 9.465 60
93 North Ridge Marching Knights 9.455 60
94 William A. Hough High School 9.430 60
95 Firebird Marching Band WCPA 9.425 60
96 Magna Vista Marching Warriors 9.425 60
97 Douglass Marching Storm MMB-LC 9.405 60
98 Marching Mustangs 9.405 60
99 Berkner Mighty Ram Band USBEA 9.340 60
100 Hope Springs Marching Band MMB-LC 9.325 60
101 Jackson County MHSAA 9.265 60
102 Flower Mound High School 9.255 60
103 Test 9.210 60
104 Marching Wolves 9.205 60
105 Greatest Marching Band Ever SMS 9.170 60
106 MC Indians BoA 9.150 60
107 Eh 9.105 60
108 CP Fusion ENCORE 9.085 60
109 Wildcat Pride 9.080 60
110 Desert springs middle school ENCORE 9.080 60
111 Holst HS Band 9.060 60
112 The tributes 9.035 60
113 wenonah high school 9.020 60
114 dc 9.020 60
115 The Best Damn Band In The Land MMB-LC 9.005 60
116 Saucy Marchers 9.005 60