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Stats and Rankings
  Group Score S#
1 The Knight Guard INS 40.035 2
2 Nobles of Grace 40.030 1
3 V 40.000 1
4 Guard of Unspecified Identity 40.000 1
5 SoW Corn Puffs 40.000 1
6 The Tullahoma City Spinners 40.000 1
7 Republic Venue IIEA 40.000 1
8 The Color Cadets MGC LC 40.000 2
9 Mustangs Guard MGC LC 40.000 11
10 Synechdoche Motif INS 40.000 11
11 Powder Puffs USGA 40.000 15
12 Girls' Generation STAGE 40.000 15
13 Lady Bucs USGA 40.000 17
14 Silver Falcon Indoor Guard 40.000 19
15 Robinson Ram Color Guard INS 40.000 20
16 Jets 40.000 20
17 Lunari Independent LEGS 40.000 22
18 National Guard INS 40.000 23
19 Light Spectrum CGA 40.000 31
20 Perfect Explosion CGA 40.000 32
21 Fearless Flight CGA 40.000 35
22 Tarasque INS 40.000 36
23 Starlight Independent CGTG 40.000 37
24 Continuous Improvement CGA 40.000 37
25 Father Ryan Virtual Color Guard LEGS 40.000 39
26 Dark Knights Guard WAG 40.000 39
27 Utopia LEGS 40.000 39
28 Purple Power LEGS 40.000 40
29 Guardians 40.000 40
30 Dark Horse 40.000 40
31 Avant-Guarde LEGS 40.000 40
32 CloudScape LGCG 40.000 42
33 Platinum Winterguard 40.000 47
34 Furies CGTG 40.000 48
35 Illumination FLAG 40.000 54
36 SIA Stars STAGE 40.000 66
37 Gold Coast Winterguard INS 40.000 67
38 Alberta X Winterguard LEGS 40.000 78
39 Samurai Open LEGS 40.000 82
40 Wonderment Rainbow Silks and Spinners GICG 40.000 83
41 Yikes Knights 40.000 84
42 The Mighty Guardettes LGCG 40.000 85
43 California Cavaliers Winter Guard INS 40.000 97
44 Red Griffins LGCG 40.000 100
45 Cyborgs LGCG 40.000 108
46 Hamachi LGCG 40.000 113
47 Lonestar Regiment Colorguard LGCG 40.000 115
48 Les Roses LGCG 40.000 117
49 ✨Shine✨ LGCG 40.000 120
50 Unspecified UNSP-G 40.000 123
51 Pandemonium NZ LEGS 39.970 39
52 Euphoria 39.915 13
53 Buchanan High School Independent LGCG 39.915 100
54 Emerald Swift NSBACL 39.900 83
55 Spin and Rinse FLAG 39.895 48
56 10th Regiment Winter Guard LEGS 39.870 83
57 The Midwest LittleGuard INS 39.830 74
58 Bohemian Maidens 39.810 15
59 007 39.805 61
60 Mystery 39.780 2
61 Hobbiton Color Guard LGCG 39.715 120
62 The Saturn Spinners LEGS 39.705 32
63 CVG 39.700 21
64 Hanover Scoutettes 39.665 4
65 Anthron CGTG 39.655 67
66 Pretty Insane USGA 39.650 29
67 Graffiti 39.615 9
68 Meadowbrook Color Guard MGC LC 39.585 23
69 Wildcat Color Guard LEGS 39.580 2
70 Spin Doctors ROTC 39.575 39
71 Darkness Guard WGI 39.570 1
72 OnGuard 39.550 27
73 Night Area High School Colorguard IIEA 39.510 4
74 CentennialGUARD 39.500 8
75 Jinx FLAG 39.490 63
76 Spinnerettes USGA 39.475 39
77 Crowley Auxiliary ROTC 39.450 40
78 Spinaholics 39.415 39
79 Hoosier Pride 39.405 31
80 Spinderellas ROTC 39.395 39
81 Affliction NSBACL 39.390 78
82 Pentium Guard Company INS 39.320 120
83 EmpireGuard TBL-G 39.245 8
84 Heritage Predators Guard AF-CG 39.120 11
85 Galaxy Guard LEGS 39.105 74
86 Dong Suk LGCG 38.965 108
87 Veelas FLAG 38.955 33
88 Drastic Decision CGA 38.950 40
89 Hypernova Indoor FLAG 38.935 56
90 Phantasm 38.870 25
91 Warren Guard WGU 38.845 74
92 Hayfield Guard CGCO 38.830 115
93 Spin City INS 38.790 36
94 Metamorphosis INS 38.780 108
95 Nastalgia Winter Guard USGA 38.750 9
96 Florida Dragon Winter Guard SMACWG 38.740 86
97 Pride of the Ohio River Basin 38.735 30
98 Eternal Glory World Guard LGCG 38.685 106
99 The Spirit USGA 38.450 9
100 Cloverettes 38.425 32
101 Empire Guard FLAG 38.345 67
102 Buena Montalvo #BLE 38.240 20
103 Ripple Effect CAoG 38.185 1
104 Bulldog Color Guard CGTG 38.140 86
105 THE GUNS STAGE 38.060 74
106 The Holy Regiment Winterguard 37.845 24
107 Kingsguard 37.845 30
108 Scorching Spheres LEGS 37.830 67
109 Vano Highschool CG vDCIcg 37.820 74
110 Blue Bells LGCG 37.770 25
111 Palmetto Guard LGCG 37.765 115
112 Yellow Jacket Rhythm 37.630 35
113 Gulf Knights Independent CGCO 37.600 123
114 Pride Flags KMEA-C 37.560 26
115 Pandemonium NZ B LEGS 37.475 41
116 STL Silks KMEA-C 37.400 27
117 Dropmasters #BLE 37.345 20
118 Allusion FLAG 37.345 47
119 Queen Of Hearts 37.335 3
120 Redheaded Sluts 37.330 40
121 Red Guards NSBACL 37.215 47
122 Lynx 36.995 65
123 Citrus Guard 36.975 1
124 Bold Indoor Guard CGTG 36.770 1
125 Eastern Star Revue CAoG 36.710 21
126 Dukettes CAoG 36.555 15
127 BAgang LEGS 36.550 84
128 Guard of the Valley CAoG 36.515 1
129 Underwater Color Guard FLAG 36.290 50
130 Piedmont Royals CAoG 36.280 1
131 Coolidge CAoG 36.260 26
132 The Conchords CAoG 36.120 26
133 Synchronicity ICCG 36.110 116
134 Jacketeer Seams CGTG 36.100 100
135 Legacy 36.085 31
136 Maestro Guard 36.070 41
137 Nuance CAoG 36.065 21
138 Focus CAoG 36.045 21
139 Vemix ColourGuards MGC LC 36.020 32
140 Mason CAoG 36.005 26
141 X-Cite 35.650 37
142 GM Guard 35.535 2
143 K.K.C.G. CGCO 35.445 48
144 Logan LEGS 35.435 86
145 Bloom CAoG 35.170 31
146 Eastern Eagles CAoG 35.135 31
147 Hula Dancers 35.090 31
148 Echo Winter Guard INS 35.085 111
149 Glam Eagles 35.010 56
150 Rose City Independent INS 34.965 107
151 The Holy Regiment Winter Guard B NSBACL 34.945 39
152 Vision Guard LGCG 34.615 110
153 Legacy 34.440 17
154 Apple Valley Color Creators IIEA 34.325 1
155 GARD MCI-CG 34.315 22
156 56ixSe7enATE 34.260 11
157 Exhale IIEA 33.715 2
158 Godley Pride Guard LGCG 33.550 110
159 Facepalm USGA 33.410 40
160 Commonwealth Guard CAoG 33.370 40
161 The Foot Faries MCGC 33.305 72
162 Velvet Hammer 33.165 63
163 G. S. G. INS 33.130 115
164 Imitrix 33.030 13
165 Wonder Girls 33.020 1
166 Daughters of Allen CAoG 32.990 40
167 Carlisle CAoG 32.955 40
168 FaZe 32.860 63
169 W. C. Color Guard 32.845 2
170 unstoppable 32.820 37
171 Mist-erious STAGE 32.810 75
172 Color of Cannelton 32.800 30
173 Magnum 32.795 3
174 Spirit NSBACL 32.785 39
175 Arachnophobia Aracno 32.725 4
176 Jester Fester IIEA 32.665 2
177 Darklaw Guard 32.605 3
178 The Flaggets FLAG 32.605 72
179 Kentucky Spins MGC LC 32.300 29
180 Guarding Guarders 32.260 2
181 Northern Lights 32.250 14
182 Grandville Flags NCGA 32.155 21
183 SIA Diamonds STAGE 32.010 75
184 Trojanettes 32.000 2
185 The Incredible Quasar Guard MGC LC 31.895 32
186 Perception Winterguard 31.885 1
187 Arctic Blast Winterguard LEGS 31.845 38
188 Color of Carolina IIEA 31.825 32
189 Pegasus Vanguard CAoG 31.795 38
190 Tossing Pantherettes 31.720 42
191 Southmore Hill Royal Guard 31.685 1
192 Fwoof 31.585 3
193 Marching Bureaucrats 31.510 1
194 Inspire TBL-G 31.505 4
195 Lunar Anomaly 31.470 4
196 Torskmen Winterguard NTCG 31.465 111
197 John Hughes H.S. Winter Guard 31.380 3
198 Elegance USGA 31.325 37
199 Progress Guard LGCG 31.270 107
200 Mint Juleps 31.245 10
201 Bellarinas INS 31.120 107
202 Bannermen 31.080 32
203 Silkettes 31.070 2
204 Applettes 30.955 65
205 Golden Girls & Guys KMEA-C 30.815 29
206 Potassium Pirouettes LEGS 30.810 115
207 X-Factor 30.795 1
208 Purple Rhapsody Visual Ensemble 30.785 4
209 Terminal X Winter Guard CGTG 30.585 86
210 Pride of the Pacific CGTG 30.580 84
211 Avery Color Guard USGA 30.465 60
212 Nick-Nack WRWWR 30.240 39
213 Triumphant Spirit 30.210 32
214 New Carlisle Charger Guard 30.190 78
215 Steelix LEGS 30.165 67
216 North Shore POW 30.060 3
217 Kiowan Vanguard 29.950 32
218 Hi Cross Color Guard MGC LC 29.935 74
219 Silver Streak LEGS 29.760 63
220 Skeleton Cliquettes 29.685 110
221 Skyline 29.665 2
222 Legends Winterguard IIEA 29.535 6
223 Angelus Winter Guard 29.290 1
224 Winged Angels 29.285 2
225 Cypress Flight Pride of Dayton 29.130 36
226 Kentucky Regiment Winterguard 29.085 30
227 Quark Indoor Guard LGCG 29.050 120
228 Maple Leaf 28.995 1
229 High Altitude 28.920 3
230 Blue Demons Winterguard 28.885 12
232 Falls City Flash KMEA-C 28.745 31
233 Pride of Piney Woods LGCG 28.720 110
234 Odyssey 28.690 7
235 Ikarus Wings JLA-CG 28.575 39
236 Cherubim 28.340 3
237 Mooresville USGA 28.245 40
238 LBC Guard INS 28.165 116
239 National Guard B 27.875 30
240 Rangers Color Guard 27.800 40
241 Kingdom Crusaders World Guard INS 27.765 111
242 Vieux Carré I-10 G 27.635 11
243 Enigma Indoor Guard 27.325 32
244 Forza Winterguard CAoG 27.155 37
245 Winter Solstice KMEA-C 26.870 33
246 Generals 26.555 1
247 Marchands de Soie I-10 G 26.455 30
248 Crusaders of Harmony ROTC 26.260 45
249 Crimson Flyers 25.945 1
250 White Cross Magic 25.895 2
251 Falcon Fanfare MGC LC 25.860 37
252 Embry 25.790 1
253 Diaper Bandits CGA 25.715 40
254 Spinners Regiment LGCG 25.705 111
255 Anderson Winter Guard WGI 25.670 38
256 Phantom's Crown 25.535 2
257 The Leaping Leemurs 25.520 42
258 Silver Color Guard 25.285 38
259 William Penn Visual Ensemble 24.810 40
260 New Directions IIEA 24.525 3
261 Not Your Average Trophy Wives 24.340 63
262 Dynasty Colorguard 24.275 1
263 Lavanda Guard MCMA 24.145 125
264 Sloth Sound Color Guard CPML3 24.105 63
265 The Pride of the Texas Hill Country 23.865 3
266 wirewomen 23.660 1
267 MBCG 23.220 1
268 Warrior Independent MFAWG 23.180 108
269 Twin Moon Twirlers LEGS 23.145 64
270 Jade FLAG 23.100 31
271 Infinity Winterguard 23.025 2
272 Layers 22.000 2
273 Gigators 21.895 2
274 Solidarity 21.690 4
275 Outerplay STAGE 21.550 76
276 Wonder Woman's Crew JLA-CG 21.530 40
277 Imperial Sound Guard Aracno 21.305 2
278 SuperFlags 21.120 3
279 Aurora Color Guard 20.980 2
280 InnovativeGuard 20.340 1
281 Little Yellow People 20.175 1
282 The Popular Girls 20.110 2
283 Pequannock Color Guard 19.985 1
284 Blue Spinners 19.935 3
285 Devil's Spinners 19.145 1
286 PhantomRegimented 18.280 2