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Stats and Rankings
  Group Score S#
1 The Knight Guard INS 16.695 3
2 V 16.520 3
3 Guarding Guarders 16.130 3
4 SoW Corn Puffs 15.995 3
5 Nobles of Grace 15.820 3
6 Mystery 15.810 3
7 Exhale IIEA 15.690 3
8 Fwoof 15.485 3
9 John Hughes H.S. Winter Guard 15.450 3
10 Jester Fester IIEA 14.975 3
11 Silkettes 14.945 3
12 Apple Valley Color Creators IIEA 14.870 3
13 Citrus Guard 14.810 3
14 Magnum 14.585 3
15 Darklaw Guard 14.535 3
16 High Altitude 14.220 3
17 Marching Bureaucrats 14.215 3
18 Angelus Winter Guard 14.090 3
19 W. C. Color Guard 13.950 3
20 North Shore POW 13.710 3
21 Cherubim 13.690 3
22 Southmore Hill Royal Guard 13.655 3
23 X-Factor 13.350 3
24 GM Guard 13.180 3
25 Trojanettes 13.005 3
26 Wildcat Color Guard LEGS 12.785 3
27 Queen Of Hearts 12.480 3
28 Darkness Guard WGI 12.090 3
29 Maple Leaf 11.760 3
30 Embry 11.385 3