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Stats and Rankings
  Group Score S#
1 The Metronome of Mercury DLTG 15.800 20
2 TC Machine H-USA 15.540 20
3 Derby City Drummers 15.215 20
4 Drumzapalooza IAoIP 14.415 20
5 Extreme Insanity IDEA 14.235 20
6 Drums across the Bluegrass IAoIP 14.195 20
7 STL Sticks 13.910 20
8 Pride Line 13.630 20
9 Alpha Wolves NWD 13.405 20
10 Golden Indoor Performing Ensemble 13.315 20
11 Drums of Sylacauga MCI-DL 13.295 20
12 Bugle Drum 12.685 20
13 Cobalt Percussion 12.675 20
14 The Chop Suey Cheeseburger Maniacs IDEA 12.670 20
15 Muhlenberg Brigade 12.575 20
16 DelPercussion 12.120 20
17 Black Stripes 12.015 20
18 Spirit of Delaware Percussion Ensemble 11.945 20
19 Aqua Hawks 11.905 20
20 We Bang THings 11.820 20
21 The Line 11.645 20
22 Diggadum 11.600 20
23 Wilmington Cadet Drum Line 11.485 20
24 Snares 11.420 20
25 Intervention 11.340 20
26 Brass Falcons Drumline 11.265 20
27 Bold Winter Percussion B JLA-DL 11.100 20
28 Flint Stones 11.085 20
29 Sticks and Chicks 11.020 20
30 DCA Drumline 10.895 20