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Stats and Rankings
  Group Score S#
1 The Syndicate Indoor Percussion LGDL 14.330 119
2 Heart of Palm Beach Percussion Ensemble 2 13.625 119
3 The Truth LGDL 13.015 119
4 Gold Coast B Indoor LGDL 12.930 119
5 NYK Drumline LGDL 12.665 119
6 North Shore Percussion LGDL 12.625 119
7 Blue Cadets Drumline LGDL 12.525 119
8 Anaheim Kingsmen Indoor LGDL 12.420 119
9 Blue Drummin’ Italians DLCO 12.385 119
10 Tornado DrumLine PERC 12.045 119
11 Kid DL PASIC 11.910 119
12 Summit Indoor Percussion 11.135 119
13 Doubled Drummers PASIC 11.125 119
14 The Drumming Dutchmen PASIC 10.970 119
15 WallofSpocks 10.905 119
16 Albany Central HS Blue German Drumline PASIC 10.730 119
17 Most Commonly spoken Chinese Languages PASIC 10.635 119
18 The Colony High School Cougar Drumline 10.580 119
19 PC Rhythm SCBDA 10.555 119
20 Blue Monarchs PASIC 10.535 119
21 Drummers 10.535 119
22 Fynix Indoor MPC 10.295 119
23 Ghost Town Drumline 10.205 119
24 Sky Ryders Percussion Unit 10.080 119
25 California Cavaliers Cadets Drumline LGDL 10.075 119
26 Raider Rumble LGDL 10.055 119
27 Star of Texas Percussion Ensemble 10.045 119
28 Swanson Club 9.970 119
29 Wildcat Pride Drumline MPC 9.910 119
30 Atomic Sound LGDL 9.710 119
31 North Shore Percussion 9.695 119
32 Homestead Spartan Alliance Band PASIC 9.640 119
33 Star Corps 9.610 119
34 EMC Drummers MPC 9.590 119
35 SV World Percussion LGDL 9.520 119
36 Colorado River Rhythm MPC 9.510 119
37 MMS 9.365 119
38 Blue Timbales LGDL 9.350 119
39 X-Plosive Indoor Drumline 9.340 119
40 Diamante Drumline MPC 9.290 119
41 Run with your god damn drums 9.025 119
42 Anna Drumline 9.020 119
43 Red Lotus Percussion 9.005 119
44 Blue Imperial Japanese PASIC 9.000 119
45 Blue Phospholipid Bilayer PASIC 9.000 119
46 Edward Reynolds W. Side Marching spainiards PASIC 9.000 119