Member Since : October 1st, 2019 6:50pm
Last Active : November 7th, 2019 12:38pm
1,000 Influence
500 Attendees
Season Participation
Browning High School Marching Band
Level: 7
Influence: 1160
Hometown: Browning, Michigan
League: MMF Class D:
The Browning Bengal High School Marching Band is composed of about 45-70 members each year and is the pride of Browning High School. Directed by band director Larry Blue, the Browning Bengal Marching Band hosts the Browning Bengal Marching Invitational every season.
-Director: Larry Blue
-Color Guard Instruction: Mary Rhodes
-Percussion Instruction: Stephen Rhodes
Show Title
The Planets
Watch as the Browning Bengal High School Marching Band plays a show based off the planets of our solar system!
I. Mars (Holst)
II. Jupiter (Holst)
III. Saturn: The Ringed Planet (Romeyn)
IV. Neptune (Wylie) (Percussion Feature)
V. Earth (Burd)