Member Since : October 1st, 2019 6:50pm
Last Active : November 7th, 2019 12:38pm
1,000 Influence
500 Attendees
Season Participation
Browning High School Marching Band
Level: 7
Influence: 1160
Hometown: Browning, Michigan
League: MMF Class D:
The Browning Bengal High School Marching Band is composed of about 45-70 members each year and is the pride of Browning High School. Directed by band director Larry Blue, the Browning Bengal Marching Band hosts the Browning Bengal Marching Invitational every season.
-Director: Larry Blue
-Color Guard Instruction: Mary Rhodes
-Percussion Instruction: Stephen Rhodes
Show Title
Simple Gifts
Watch and Listen as the Browning Bengel Marching Band performs four movements of Simple Gifts!
I. In Yonder Valley
II. Dance
III. Here Take This Lovely Flower
IV. Simple Gifts
Band Directed by: Larry Blue