Member Since : January 4th, 2019 2:01pm
Last Active : January 4th, 2019 2:42pm
Level: 1
Influence: 150
Hometown: Bradenton, FL
A well-known band from the middle of the state of Florida, and known by name as one of the better and larger bands in Florida, they look to top the list in many, if not all, competitions to come.
Show Title
Based on Lakewood Ranch High School’s 2017 performance of the same name, Redemption is the story of Dante, who travels through Hell itself to find his dear love Beatrice.
Repertoire is music rearranged from “The Divine Comedy”, written by Robert W. Smith, and the 4 movements reflect the 4 movements in his piece:
M1: “Inferno”
M2: “Purgatorio”
M3: “Ascencion”
M4: “Paradiso”