Member Since : December 27th, 2018 2:49pm
Last Active : April 1st, 2019 5:23pm
Achieved Level 10
1,000 Influence
Season Participation
Level: 14
Influence: 5602
Hometown: Honolulu,Hawaii
The official Drum Corps of the Aloha State Marching Band
Show Title
Paint It Black
Throughout the entire show you will hear variations from the Paint it Black theme. The opening statement features a variation on the Rolling Stones Paint it Black. The first movement, titled The Red Door, is based on the first five notes of the Paint it Black theme. You will continue hear the partial theme which will make the ending that much more effective. The ballad features Michael Daugherty's Red Cape Tango and Radiohead's Motion Picture Soundtrack. The percussion feature continues with variations on the Paint it Black theme while the closer moves to the jazz genre featuring Tigran Hamasyan's The Grid. With a final push of the Paint it Black melody, our show will come to an exciting conclusion.
Movement 1- I See A Red Door
Movement 2- Red Cape Tango and Motion Picture Soundtrack
Movement 3- Paint it Black. Featuring "The Grid"