Show Title
1. Rachmaninoff - Prelude in C Sharp Minor (Op. 3 No. 2)
2. Roaming the Wastes - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST
3. Samuel Barber - Agnus Dei
4. Pipeorgankind - Homestuck, James "soselfimportant" Roach
This year's show tells the story of one man's quest to obtain power to save his dying world. The show opens with Rachmaninoff's Prelude in C# minor, heavily featuring the percussion line. Our hero sees all of the disparity around him and decides to leave on his journey, sent off fondly by his family and friends. In the second movement, Roaming the Wastes, our hero journeys across his decimated and desolate homeland, searching for a mythical power, and eventually find the power, and takes it for himself, becoming as a god. In the third movement, Agnus Dei, our hero returns home with his new power, but it has changed him so much that his friends and family no longer recognize him. Our hero falls into a deep depression, feeling that this world is no longer worth saving. This movement serves as the ballad, and features a brass quintet consisting of a contra, euphonium, mellophone and two trumpets. In the fourth and final movement, our hero encounters a young child, and this child gives him hope for the future. Our hero chooses to use his power to give new life to his dying world.
Props are used for this show as well - there are several large screens that depict a desolate landscape, in black and white. One of these screens also depicts run-down houses, representing the hometown of our hero. On the reverse side of the screens are several scenes. One depicts a temple, where our hero receives great power. The rest depict a green, vibrant landscape, with rivers and valleys and a shining golden sun hanging in the blue sky.
The uniforms of the drum corps are black and purple, and the color guard is dressed in a uniform that is intended to look like rags - brown and black sheets of fabric flowing off of their bodies, with our hero wearing clothes like that of a warrior - a leather tunic and sandals.