Member Since : January 25th, 2018 4:27pm
Last Active : January 26th, 2018 1:42pm
Level: 1
Influence: 50
Hometown: Georgeopol
We have a show that has something to do with a Kar98k......every......year....... So in other words we have to make use with old props because NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE ARTS AND HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT.
Show Title
The Karabiners Strike Back
1.) The kids come to a place that is unknown to reality but is known in stories and ledgends.
2.) The kids remember this place (Georgeopol) and it’s legendary treasure (the Kar98k) from their bedtime stories.
3.) The kids have searched for days and have not found the Kar98k.
4.) One fateful day, they come across a cave and find the Kar98k and return back to their home with their new treasure.
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