Member Since : October 25th, 2010 2:50am
Last Active : February 13th, 2011 10:17pm
1,000 Influence
Season Participation
Level: 1
Influence: 348
Hometown: Ridgeland, MS
Spectre serves as a training ground for Rhapsody's percussion.
Show Title
Break Time on the Job Site
The show takes place at a construction site. The break bell has just rung and the workers get a chance to relax. All original music in 3 movements: 1) Everybody In- the workers start playing by themselves, but gradually, they begin to play as a unit. 2) We Got Skills- the workers try to impress each other with different skills that they have. 3) Break's Over- The bell rings again, and the workers rush to finish before the boss gets mad.
No scores for this season