Member Since : September 15th, 2016 5:27pm
Last Active : September 15th, 2016 5:53pm
Level: 1
Influence: 50
Hometown: Twinktown
Glitter and Sparkles are a requirement in everything we do. Quotes from ¨Mean Girls¨ are greatly appreciated. We love you all even though you all don't love us. Can't wait till you wish us a big ConDRAGulations!
Show Title
All that Glitters is not Gold
Movement I- The Glitter
The first movement is about the glitter within us all.
Everyone has the glitter and we can express it in different ways.
Movement II- The Gold
The conflict section. Movement II is about the ¨golden¨ ones who live among us. The golden are those who shame the other glitterers for not being golden.They make the others shine less but are only temporary obstacles.
Movement III- The Great
The Third movement is a message to anyone out there who feels like their glitter lacks some luster. We understand your trouble and we say this: Maybe if you want that glitter to really shimmer, then look at it in a different way.
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