Member Since : December 14th, 2015 8:14pm
Last Active : December 18th, 2015 7:32pm
Level: 2
Influence: 90
Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia
A Roland Legion member exhibits the highest standards of discipline, dignity, and determination. Inspiration for the will to persevere in the face of adversity -to the bitter end- is found in the namesake, a reflection of the ancient french epic "La Chanson de Roland". Such is the spirit of a warrior instilled in the members. They become essential comrades in battle, brought together with a common will to achieve greatness.
Show Title
Opener: "Dance of Spirits of Fire" (Holst)
Movement two: Short excerpt of "Hellfire" (from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame) leading into "Dies Irae"
Closer: "Vesuvius" (Ticheli)
No scores for this season