Member Since : August 29th, 2010 11:54am
Last Active : October 10th, 2011 9:06pm
Achieved Level 10
1,000 Influence
Season Participation
Level: 12
Influence: 1040
Hometown: St. Paul Minnesota
A corps dedicated to quality shows, educational experiences, and a family atmosphere. The Pines weather the storm, and stand tall through all environments. Through their Northern Hardiness, the pines grow year after year, eventually dominating the landscape.
Show Title
2010: A Drum Corps Oddyssey
I. Lifting Off
-- Fanfare for the Common Man, Aaron Copland
-- Theme for "The Rocketeer"
II. Through the Solar System
-- "Wall-E meets Eve"
-- "Keeping the Blade", Coheed and Cambria
III. Lost
-- "Spaceboy", Smashing Pumpkins
IV. Return
-- "Duel of the Fates", John Williams
-- "Ride", Samuel Hazo