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Member Since : August 16th, 2010 12:45pm
Last Active : July 7th, 2014 12:07pm
Director Rating
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Achieved Level 50
10,000 Influence
Scored a 80
500 Attendees
100 Posts
Season Participation
SPC Douglas A. Olmstead, 126 Army Band "The Governor's Own", tubist, euphoniumist, arranger.
2008 - Dutch Boy DBC - Drum Majour
2012, 2014 - Kilties DBC - contra
The Druids Drum & Bugle Corps
Group Description
Level: 53
Influence: 22726
Hometown: Dublin, Ireland
The Celtic Druids of Dublin Drum & Bugle Corps are a traditional corps from the FMB days. Being based in Ireland, they compete as often as they can. "Mens Corpus Pectus Pectoris" www.thedruidsdrumcorps.webs.com
Events Hosted
FMA Dublin - Season 2
UNFMA Drum Corps - Season 5
FMA Dublin - Season 20
FMADC Dublin - Season 36
Choose Season: 1  | 2  | 3  | 4  | 5  | 6  | 7  | 8  | 9  | 10  | 11  | 12  | 13  | 14  | 15  | 16  | 17  | 18  | 19  | 20  | 21  | 22  | 23  | 24  | 25  | 26  | 27  | 28  | 29  | 30  | 31  | 32  | 33  | 34  | 35  | 36  | 37  | 38  | 39  | 40  | 41  | 42  | 43  | 44  | 45  | 46  | 47  | 48  | 49  | 50  | 51  | 52  | 53  | 54  | 55  | 56  | 57  | 58  | 59  | 60  | 61  | 62  | 63  | 64  | 65  | 66  | 67  | 68  | 69  | 70  | 71  | 72  | 73  | 74  | 75  | 76  | 77  | 78  | 79  | 80  | 81  | 82  | 83  | 84  | 85  | 86  | 87  | 88  | 89  | 90  | 91  | 92  | 93  | 94  | 95  | 96  | 97  | 98  | 99  | 100  | 101  | 102  | 103  | 104  | 105  | 106  | 107  | 108  | 109  | 110  | 111  | 112  | 113  | 114  | 115  | 116  | 117  | 118  | 119  | 120  | 121  | 122  | 123  | 124  | 125  | 126  | 127  | 128
Show Title
Seasons of Love
The Druids, known for their dark sound and darker show themes, open their hearts to the audience with this show about the stages of love. In this production, the Druids allowed ONE woman dancer into the guard for the first time ever in the corps’ history.

Movement One: Puppy Love – “Kiss the Girl” by Sam Wright (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DukqMmz2cEM)
The show starts with the corps lined up on the back side line. The guard is hidden behind equipment screens by the pit. A lone mellophone walks out while the marimbas set up the calypso beat of this classic love song. The corps member, our lover, begins to play as the woman of his dreams (played by our one and only “Brittany”, the only female corps member) dances down field. The corps begins to file in, building as chords and harmonies add over the solo, the guard marching without equipment-- encouraging our lover to “kiss the girl”, which in the end, (and with a brief flash of a heart-shaped drill, for a fleeting moment) he finally does. The movement ends to a single heart beat in the bass drum.

Movement Two : Lust and Heart Break – “Speed Jazz” by The Thrill, “Poker Face” by Stefani Germanotta, “Tarkus” by ELP, and “Nitro” by Ticheli (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXksbb-BKpM&feature=player_embedded and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH4LAitSXCM and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPAdZWbhKsk)
The feature opens with a flurry of drums as all the other guard men pick up auxiliary equipment and the show of rifles and sabers begins. During the beginning of the Speed Jazz medley with Poker Face, “Brittany” dances her way across the field, pulling along a solo soprano, baritone, and even winds up in the pit in the middle of an electric clarinet and piano duet. The heat builds as Tarkus starts, the corps dropping their equipment and running, jumping, and performing acrobatics over the drumline. The energy never stops—the members return to their horns for the dramatic suspension chord as “Brittany” holds her hands out to the mellophone, and just as he approaches and the chord releases with a toss of lip-shaped flags, she pulls away and Nitro finishes us off feeling used—the entire corps minus our mello hero falling over with the last gong hit.

Movement Three : True Love – “I Can’t Help Falling in Love With You” by Elvis Presley (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqv5b0UjR4g)
The pit begins this soft ballad with chords and arpeggios, the mellophone player looking about for his love with no hope. He sits on a park bench brought out by baritone players. The mello starts in with a solo, and soon the baritone players join for a brilliant, middle-range trio of this classic. The guard and rest of the corps trickle back on field in ones and twos, building the sound—the guard holding flags with broken hearts on them. In the end, the mellophone sees “Brittany” is lost, as she wanders over to the park bench. He takes off from the rest of the corps as they play the last phrase, and he embraces her, the couple standing on the park bench, as pair of guard tosses a newly assembled heart-shaped flag over them.

Movement Four : Unconditional Love – “I’m a Believer” by Smash Mouth, “Accidentally in Love” by Counting Crows
The closing medley brings us together—“Brittany” is handed a soprano and stars in a duet with her love.
But of course, the Druids never end anything until the last show! Stay tuned for the full closer!
Date Event Score Place
9/29/11 Drum Corps Prelims - Division I 50.975 45
9/27/11 Drums on the Ohio 50.975 8
9/24/11 Central Challenge 50.975 12
9/23/11 Poison Sound Invitational 50.975 9
9/22/11 SNARK!!!!!!!!!!!! 50.975 5
9/20/11 Musketeer Invitational 50.975 2
9/19/11 Music Explosion 50.975 7
9/17/11 FMA Columbia 50.975 16
9/15/11 Mills Music Mission 50.975 5
9/13/11 Elkton Classic 50.975 1
9/12/11 Super Show Gold Armada 4 50.975 6
9/9/11 Cohorts on the Field 50.975 3
9/2/11 The Emerald Dream 50.975 17
8/31/11 All Houston 50.975 12
8/29/11 All Cloudmen Show 50.975 9