Member Since : December 5th, 2014 11:03pm
Last Active : January 3rd, 2015 11:30pm
Achieved Level 10
1,000 Influence
250 Attendees
Season Participation
Greetings, friends! I am a Junior in high school and have been doing marching band here for two years. I play the clarinet and am 10th chair out of about 50 clarinet players at the school.
Feel free to message me about anything if you have questions or want to have a conversation.
Level: 12
Influence: 2240
Hometown: Cabot, Arkansas
League: BRAVO! This local group of musical talent is looking to make a name for itself in the prestigious world of marching band. Accepting all whom have a passion in their hearts, this band will bolster its ranks until it one day rivals the very best.
Show Title
-Flight of Valor
-Elegy for a Young American