Date | Event | Score | Place |
3/13/15 | Drumline Semifinals - Division II | 59.840 | 39 |
3/12/15 | Drumline Prelims - Division II | 59.840 | 39 |
3/10/15 | DLC Pack | 59.845 | 3 |
3/8/15 | Spirit of Atlantis | 59.450 | 3 |
3/6/15 | Maniacal Mathmatical Mayhem! | 59.240 | 3 |
3/4/15 | Spartan Raid | 59.240 | 3 |
3/3/15 | Spectacular Sight and Sound | 59.230 | 6 |
3/2/15 | Silver Sounds of Drums XXIII | 59.230 | 6 |
3/1/15 | The Downbeat | 59.235 | 2 |
2/28/15 | Drum and Succeed | 59.215 | 3 |
2/27/15 | A Night of Music at TCF | 59.240 | 4 |
2/25/15 | Pirate Round | 59.240 | 4 |
2/24/15 | Blast! | 59.245 | 7 |
2/23/15 | The River Run | 59.240 | 5 |
2/21/15 | Espirit de Corps VII | 59.225 | 3 |
2/20/15 | The Mechanical Inspection XXXX | 59.230 | 7 |
2/17/15 | Canadian Drummers Classic | 59.240 | 2 |
2/16/15 | The Proclamation | 59.245 | 2 |
2/15/15 | Indy Regional | 59.220 | 4 |
2/13/15 | One Day Session | 59.235 | 1 |
2/12/15 | General Assembly | 58.210 | 2 |
2/11/15 | Newport Festival | 58.230 | 2 |
2/10/15 | Meadows of Dan | 58.235 | 2 |
2/9/15 | General Motors Classic | 58.230 | 1 |