Member Since : April 15th, 2013 2:21pm
Last Active : July 14th, 2013 1:02pm
1,000 Influence
Season Participation
Heya! I am Xav! I am from South Georgia in the good old USA. I've been in band for almost 5 years and I am enjoying it!
Level: 2
Influence: 464
Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
League: MAD We are Kage's Platoon, the Furry Fandom's finest! So get ready and stamp your paws and prepare yourselves! Cause we are gonna rock up in here!
Show Title
Battle of the Fifths
Mvmt 1: Intensive Care Unit (Renard)
Mvmt 2: Ravers in the UK
Mvmt 3: Carmaldancen (F.I.A.B. Remix)
Mvmt 4: Never Gonna Give You Up
Mvmt 5: Fin