Member Since : September 5th, 2012 12:24pm
Last Active : September 12th, 2012 5:28pm
1,000 Influence
Season Participation
Mount Wanna-Hock-A-Loogie
Level: 1
Influence: 1882
Hometown: East Australian Current.
Originally founded by a school of fish, Mount Wanna-Hock-A-Loogie Drum Corps has expanded into much more. Directed by Mr. Bean, this drum corps has found its way into people's heart and enlightened many for over a decade. Along with performing with heart, the intensity level constantly rises.
Show Title
Beyond Your Intelligence
Mvt. 1- E.T. Theme- John Williams
Mvt. 2- Colors of the Wind- Alan Menken
Mvt. 3- Flight of The Bumblebee-Korsakov
No scores for this season