Member Since : January 16th, 2012 12:16pm
Last Active : February 27th, 2012 9:32pm
Level: 1
Influence: 316
Hometown: Corbin, KY
A rag-tag group of performers that are slowly making their way from a public entertainment group to the national level.
Show Title
Easy Street
This is the Red Men's first show in the judging queue. Since we don't want to crash and burn, we will start with an easy theme with simple drill and music, and later in the season we will progress.
Movement 1: Simplicity
Movement 2: Kindergarten (the drill will be circles and blocks to represent the early childhood classroom; signifies a fresh start, which is what the Red Men are doing)
Movement 3: Facil (spanish for easy; will include some music of the Mexican and Spanish culture and have some "exotic" drill)