Member Since : October 16th, 2011 5:12pm
Last Active : June 30th, 2013 1:54pm
Achieved Level 50
10,000 Influence
Scored a 90
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Edgar Allen Diddle High School
Level: 56
Influence: 10000
Hometown: Bowling Green, Ky
Edgar Allen Diddle High School selects on the finest and most advanced high schoolers to admit to their campus. Students begin a application process around the country during 6th grade and find out acceptance by the spring term of their 8th grade year. The campus is located in isolated outskirts of Bowling Green Kentucky and is called the most beautiful high school campus in the world. The campus has many outstading buildings that display a powerfull meaning of archeitecture, for example is Franklin Tower. It is a large tower like building that is home to the history department and library. It is the largest building in the region in both floor area and height. It is accompanied with a bell tower on top. EAD also has a large sports complex located near campus and has visually amazing buildings for every institute in the high school. The high school tops almost all universities in campus envirionment, and continues to grow and expand in all its academics and all competiting orginizations.
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Ye Cometh Bye Sea