Member Since : December 4th, 2023 7:28pm
Last Active : December 4th, 2023 8:13pm
Tennessee Valley Drum and Bugle Corps
Level: 1
Influence: 50
Hometown: Knoxville, TN
A drum corps from Appalachia, part of public works and a branch of the TVA.
Show Title
Der Antichrist
Opener: Excerpts from "Also Sprach Zarathustra" movements 1 and 8 by Richard Strauss
2nd Movement: "Don Juan" by Richard Strauss
Ballad: Excerpts from "Eine Alpensinfonie" movements 5, and 6 by Richard Strauss
4th Movement: Excerpts from "Eine Alpensinfonie" movement 8
Closer: "Dance of the Seven Veils" From Salome by Richard Strauss, as well as a medley of previous movements
No scores for this season