Member Since : August 16th, 2023 7:00pm
Last Active : August 21st, 2023 8:47pm
Lonestar Regiment Alumni Corps
Level: 4
Influence: 420
Hometown: Rosebud Tx
The Lonestar Regiment Alumni Corps. This group is an all age group that consists of Lonestar Regiment Alumni, they will primarily compete in division 3 and perhaps 2. If they reach the same division as the regular corps they will become inactive until they drop a division.
Show Title
Atlantis Reimagined
Movement One: Atlantis is Made-“Godspeed”
Movement Two: Innovating Discoveries-“Stargate Atlantis theme”
Movement Three: Harmony On The Sea-“Nessun Dorma
Movement Four: Chaos On The Sea-“Dance Of The Earth”
Movement Five: Lost forever-“A Child’s Garden Of Dreams MVT III