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Member Since : August 5th, 2023 9:32pm
Last Active : August 6th, 2023 3:34am
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The Sauce Succers
Group Description
Level: 1
Influence: 50
Hometown: Nahunta, Ga
Good night! The Sauce Succers have been filling the ears of hillbillies and hobos alike for over 2000 years in Nahunta, Ga! We strive for various emotional and impactful shows that can truly get the audience invested and compelled to the story we attempt (and SUCCeed) to tell. Our last year's show, Mary Had a Little Lamb, landed us first place in the Ben Dover DCI competition, hosted in Fried Chicken, Kentucky. The "legendary" performace earned us the Hugh Janis "Most Improved" colorguard award, Test Ickle's "Medal of Effort", as well as the Doyle Gamill "Huskiest Sound" overall band honor. Although we were the only corps to compete, the victory still shows how dedicated everyone here is to the art of drumkorre! In 2019, our show, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" recieved galactic praise from Carmen Heights Drumcorps marcher Steven Sassifrass VI, who went on to say, post performance, "ThOsE fLuB dRuMs ReAlLy KnOw HoW tO fLuB tHoSe DrUmS!?!?!?!?", truly indicating the level of attentions to detail we enfornce and maintain in the organization. Another marcher from CH, Scotty Pipes, who marched the Sauce Succers his 8th grade year in shcool, went on to say, "Y'know, growing up as a wee lad, aye really ney had a taste for pursuing the art. But the second I joined The Sauce Succers as a bonny bairn... I knew then and there that I could not just stop drumming. They were so simply terrible that only a madman could walk away and be okay with that level of nasticity! By the time I was done with the season, I was far worse than before too, as not only were they just plain awful and it rubbed off on me, but we were practically forced to eat the dirt cause they couldn't get any sposors to pay for food except the local high shcool, and God knows I wasn't eatin' that shite! Ever since, I've worked me tail off to ensure that me, my group, or anyone else I ever meet stoops to the level that that piece of donkey doo doo of a group does... oy, it sends shivers down me kilt just ponderin' it. I've got ta leave ya, I got itches in me britches!" Well maybe that last interview wasn't too positive but as they say, any plublicity is good plublicity! The corps is ran and mainined by... me! Yoe Mauma. Our assistant director is Doyle Gamill Jr., son of the infamous and legendary and talented and just utterly lovely marching band judge, who runs this account as well as one on Micro Marching! We are so very excited to one day be competing on the galactic stage alongside our ex-vets and other allies, for many great musicians have spawned from being apart of the Sauce Succers, certainly not for the reasons Mr. Pipes claimed! Other members of our staff include brASS coordinator Mr. Pete O. File, RACK & front ensemble tech, Sken E. Dippenn, and our student HAND helper who still is marching at Left Nut High School all joined our crusty crew in 2020, where we performed possibly our, perhpas the, greatest show of all time, "Hush Little Baby, Don't You Cry" which earned us 39012nd place on the charts of all drumcorps, our highest placement ever! We even beat out a whole nother corps who placed a horendous 39013th, Heat Wave! Truly one of our greatest accomplishments in our illustrious and spectacular history. We are very much looking forward to yet another highly successful year of excellence from our staff, students, and stup- stupENDOUS audiences! We can't wait to see you cheering us on, watching us succ Sauce... GO TEAM!!!!!!
Events Hosted
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Show Title
Gay People Be Like:
Uhhh Elton John stuff, some Queennnnn, maybe some Billy Eyelish and Dua Lupa thrown in there for good measure. Gay people like that stuff right? Wait, has James Charles made any songs?...
No scores for this season