Member Since : November 11th, 2022 10:18am
Last Active : November 11th, 2022 10:29am
Level: 1
Influence: 50
Hometown: olathe Kansas
Show Title
Mvt. 1: "Infernal Dance" is adapted from Stravinsky’s 1919 version of his dramatic ballet music. It features mixed meters, irregular phrasing, exposed soli sections, and intense tutti moments.
Mvt. 2: "Round Dance of the Princess" is a flowing ballad with several woodwind and brass solos, representing the princess and prince in a mellow interlude.
Mvt. 3: "Finale" feels like an exuberant celebration of love and good conquering over evil. The lush orchestration and thick textures make the ensemble ring like a pipe organ in a glorious final ensemble moment.
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