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Member Since : February 9th, 2020 8:49pm
Last Active : April 7th, 2020 4:09pm
Director Rating
Trophy Case
1,000 Influence
250 Attendees
Season Participation
Group Description
Level: 8
Influence: 1554
Hometown: West Chester
Events Hosted
Choose Season: 1  | 2  | 3  | 4  | 5  | 6  | 7  | 8  | 9  | 10  | 11  | 12  | 13  | 14  | 15  | 16  | 17  | 18  | 19  | 20  | 21  | 22  | 23  | 24  | 25  | 26  | 27  | 28  | 29  | 30  | 31  | 32  | 33  | 34  | 35  | 36  | 37  | 38  | 39  | 40  | 41  | 42  | 43  | 44  | 45  | 46  | 47  | 48  | 49  | 50  | 51  | 52  | 53  | 54  | 55  | 56  | 57  | 58  | 59  | 60  | 61  | 62  | 63  | 64  | 65  | 66  | 67  | 68  | 69  | 70  | 71  | 72  | 73  | 74  | 75  | 76  | 77  | 78  | 79  | 80  | 81  | 82  | 83  | 84  | 85  | 86  | 87  | 88  | 89  | 90  | 91  | 92  | 93  | 94  | 95  | 96  | 97  | 98  | 99  | 100  | 101  | 102  | 103  | 104  | 105  | 106  | 107  | 108  | 109  | 110  | 111  | 112  | 113  | 114  | 115  | 116  | 117  | 118  | 119  | 120  | 121  | 122  | 123  | 124  | 125  | 126  | 127  | 128
Show Title
Lemon Boy
Bitter Boy
Citrus Friend
Date Event Score Place
4/4/20 Drumline Semifinals - Division III 51.740 16
4/3/20 Drumline Prelims - Division III 51.755 15
3/31/20 DLTG - The Best of the Best - Season 85 51.770 4
3/30/20 Drum That Drum XI 51.760 10
3/29/20 Surround Sound VIII 51.750 7
3/28/20 Drums along the Periodic Table 51.765 6
3/27/20 Rhythm of the Night IX 51.750 7
3/25/20 Samurai Rampage X 51.520 7
3/24/20 GOLD Round - DLTG Olympics - FINAL ROUND 51.515 4
3/22/20 Rose City Classic 85 51.505 6
3/21/20 DLTG Mid-Season Competition - S85 51.295 4
3/19/20 Silver Round - DLTG Olympics 50.510 4
3/14/20 COLA City - 1 50.510 4
3/13/20 3/13 - Frightening Beat - DOUBLE POINTS!!! 50.275 4
3/12/20 Celebration of Sound 50.025 6
3/10/20 3/10 - Make Your Own Riff 49.550 4
3/9/20 Dragon Showcase of Percussion 49.540 6
3/7/20 3/7 - Perfect Crab Step - Event 2 49.295 5
3/5/20 3/5 - Playing, Tapping, and Counting Rhythms 49.055 5
3/4/20 Blue Thunder Drumline Battle VII 48.575 8
3/3/20 DLTG S85 Preview - Drum Olympics! 48.235 4
3/2/20 Houston X-I