Member Since : October 26th, 2019 4:49pm
Last Active : March 23rd, 2020 1:31pm
Achieved Level 25
1,000 Influence
1,000 Attendees
Season Participation
Lawrence High School Marching Raptors
Level: 27
Influence: 6934
Hometown: Plano, Texas
League: IHBE A high school marching band dedicated to high class precision and execution in all areas of marching. The Lawrence High School Marching Raptors have advanced to finals every year since its opening placing 1st place at every competition all the way through finals in just its second year. The performers of Lawrence High School are conditioned to always strive to be the best of the best. Enjoy the performance and dedication to be offered by the Lawrence High School Marching Raptors.
Show Title
Behold, My Magnum Opus!
The Firebird
The Four Seasons
Concerto for Four Violins in B minor
Transcendent Journey