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Dark Knights
4/21 - FAME Records have been updated! -alxmm98

FAME Season 68 Championships

World Champion Gold Medalist - The Panthers - 93.420
World Champion Silver - Aftershock NZ - 85.360
World Champion Bronze - Yellowcoats Drum and Bugle Corps - 82.170

Division 1

Gold - The Panthers - 93.420
Silver - Aftershock NZ - 85.360
Bronze - Yellowcoats Drum and Bugle Corps - 82.170

Division 2

Gold - Samurai - 81.150
Silver - Aftershock NZ B - 74.220
Bronze - Blue Pride - 62.675
Division 3

Gold - Minutemen Drum & Bugle Corps - 49.600
Silver - Black Knights - 46.760
Bronze - The Boys' Brigade - 45.395
About Fantasy Alliance of Marching Ensembles
Established Season 39

FAME Historical Records (Last Updated: 7/14/2018, by alxmm98)


Season 70 - Dark Knights - 99.320
Season 69 - Nashville Sound - 99.295
Season 68 - The Panthers - 93.420
Season 67 - Euphony Empire - 86.620
Season 66 - Yellowcoats Drum and Bugle Corps - 81.990
Season 65 - Yellowcoats Drum and Bugle Corps - 83.615
Season 64 - Atlantic Clarinet Choir - 96.780
Season 63 - Atlantic Clarinet Choir - 94.705
Season 62 - Arsenal Drum and Bugle Corps - 92.725
Season 61 - Arsenal Drum and Bugle Corps - 88.845
Season 60 - Atlantic Clarinet Choir - 91.400
Season 59 - Atlantic Clarinet Choir - 92.175
Season 58 - Dark Knights - 99.395
Season 57 - Aftershock NZ - 84.165
Season 56 - Aftershock NZ - 85.360
Season 55 - Dark Knights - 95.165
Season 54 - Northern Lights - 98.305
Season 53 - Dark Knights - 98.230
Season 52 - Spirit of Atlantis - 96.770
Season 51 - Dark Knights - 97.445
Season 50 - Atlantic Clarinet Choir - 95.430
Season 49 - Atlantic Clarinet Choir - 93.570
Season 48 - Atlantic Clarinet Choir - 93.825
Season 47 - Atlantic Clarinet Choir - 93.850
Season 46 - Spirit of Sunnyvale - 94.875
Season 45 - Arsenal Drum & Bugle Corps - 92.450
Season 44 - Aftershock NZ - 88.510
Season 43 - Aftershock NZ - 87.465
Season 42 - Arsenal Drum & Bugle Corps - 92.235
Season 41 - Spirit of Atlantis - 92.510
Season 40 - Arsenal Drum & Bugle Corps - 87.740


Season 70 - Ghost Riders 94.290
Season 69 - Ghost Riders - 93.725
Season 68 - Samurai - 81.150
Season 67 - Scarlet Regiment - 88.145
Season 66 - Euphony Empire - 88.765
Season 65 - Falcon Regiment - 85.950
Season 64 - Falcon Regiment - 83.790
Season 63 - Banging on druns - 80.185
Season 62 - Cake Eaters- 80.140
Season 61 - 007 - 92.610
Season 60 - 007 - 90.660
Season 59 - Aftershock NZ - 88.275
Season 58 - Vanguard Knights - 92.870
Season 57 - Kingsmen - 94.410
Season 56 - 007 Regiment - 90.155
Season 55 - 007 Regiment - 89.310
Season 54 - Vanguard Knights - 90.515
Season 53 - The Panthers B - 86.985
Season 52 - The Moingona - 94.605
Season 51 - Spirit of Atlantis - 94.880
Season 50 - Aria Corps - 84.580
Season 49 - Aria Corps - 84.630
Season 48 - Aria Corps - 84.120
Season 47 - Aftershock NZ B - 80.935
Season 46 - The Panthers - 88.920
Season 45 - The Panthers - 87.755
Season 44 - Northern Lights - 83.780
Season 43 - Patriots - 91.410
Season 42 - Secret Society - 79.575
Season 41 - Falcon Regiment - 84.070
Season 40 - Thunderbirds - 82.740


Season 70 - The Boys' Brigade - 86.825
Season 69 - The Marauders - 85.170
Season 68 - Minutemen Drum & Bugle Corps - 49.600
Season 67 - Flinks - 55.145
Season 66 - Pennsbury Drum Corps - 50.645
Season 65 - Black Knights - 55.035
Season 64 - South Sound - 74.640
Season 63 - Falcon Regiment - 83.235
Season 62 - Banging on druns - 77.315
Season 61 - Dr. No - 84.850
Season 60 - Spirit of Delaware - 65.555
Season 59 - SKDC - 63.195
Season 58 - Samurai - 71.700
Season 57 - The Marauders - 82.64
Season 56 - Spectre - 86.160
Season 55 - Armorgorr Regiment - 65.575
Season 54 - Miracle Mask Enterprise - 71.710
Season 53 - Vanguard Knights - 88.985
Season 52 - 007 Regiment - 84.560
Season 51 - The Red Kingsmen - 74.015
Season 50 - Highlanders - 55.000
Season 49 - Spirit of Delaware - 59.255
Season 48 - Jaguars - 57.865
Season 47 - Armada Vanguard Drum & Bugle Corps - 67.610
Season 46 - Paragon Drum Corps - 69.435
Season 45 - The Archmen - 80.255
Season 44 - Aftershock NZ B - 81.060
Season 43 - Gold Armada - 77.105
Season 42 - The Panthers B - 81.950
Season 41 - Jersey Delmarva - 63.175
Season 40 - Saboteurs - 61.475
Division 1

Gold - 5 (1 new)
Silver - 4 (1 new)
Bronze - 4 (1 new)

Division 2

Gold - 10 (1 new)
Silver - 15
Bronze - 15 (1 new)

Division 3

Gold - 12
Silver - 5
Bronze - 7
DIVISION 1 HIGH SCORE - Dark Knights (99.995), Season 58
DIVISION 2 HIGH SCORE - Spirit of Atlantis (97.200), Season 51
DIVISION 3 HIGH SCORE - Vanguard Knights (92.105) , Season 53
Division 1 FINALISTS - 75 (1 new)
Division 2 FINALISTS - 115 (5 new)
Division 3 FINALISTS - 92 (1 new)

N/A The Brenham 180  1
N/A 12th Man Marching  6
N/A 728 Cadets  9
N/A 7th Regiment  21
N/A Áccent Drum Corps  31
N/A Aftershock NZ B  97
N/A Allons-y Alonzo  4
N/A Another Blue Group  8
N/A Another Blue Group  3
N/A Argentum  49
N/A Aria Corps  77
N/A Armada Vanguard Drum & Bugle Corps  27
N/A Armorgorr Regiment  47
N/A Arsenal Drum & Bugle Corps  98
N/A Atlanta Adventure  15
N/A BandCorps  49
N/A Banging on druns  53
N/A Baton Rouge Mavericks  2
N/A Black Capes  3
N/A Black Crown  5
N/A Black Diamonds  1
N/A Black Hatter Drum Corps  1
N/A Black Knights  2
N/A Black Knights  1
N/A Black Knights  28
N/A BlackCoats  2
N/A Blau Jazz  4
N/A Bloo Regiment  1
N/A Blue Blues  3
N/A Blue Devils  7
N/A Blue Devils  1
N/A Blue Devils ß  4
N/A Blue Eagles  16
N/A Blue Pride  35
N/A Blue Scouts  7
N/A Blue Thunder  18
N/A Bluecoats  5
N/A bluecoats  2
N/A Bluecoats Baby Cadets  1
N/A Brass Wizards  20
N/A Brotherhood  9
N/A Buccaneers  28
N/A Cake Eaters  69
N/A Caliz  4
N/A Carolina Brass  9
N/A Carolina Crown  8
N/A Carolina Regiment Academy Crusader Knights  1
N/A Carpe Diem  6
N/A catiators  1
N/A Chemical Hedgehog  35
N/A Chop Inc.  5
N/A Chuck's Mouthpiece  50
N/A Cleveland Redcoats  37
N/A Codets  2
N/A Colonial Regiment  20
N/A Colts  2
N/A Corps of Brothers  3
N/A Corundum Drum & Bugle Corps  1
N/A Couchmen  15
N/A Crawford Collision  31
N/A Crown Knights B  8
N/A Cunning Stunts  24
N/A Dark Knight Regiment  6
N/A Dark Knights  112
N/A Demoliton corps  1
N/A Detroit Soul  2
N/A Devil Crusaders  70
N/A DiddleDuts  3
N/A Dr. No  43
N/A Drum Crops  12
N/A Drum line  6
N/A DrumCo  2
N/A Eagle Corps  23
N/A East Coast Jazz  14
N/A Eclipse  4
N/A Elementals  21
N/A Elite Drummers  1
N/A Elkhart Blessing  26
N/A Encore  22
N/A Equinox Drum and Bugle Corps  4
N/A Espuelas de Plata  22
N/A Euphony Empire  68
N/A Fannin Regiment  48
N/A Fighting Lancers  20
N/A Flinks  22
N/A Florida Galaxy Drum and Bugle Corps  19
N/A Florida Sun  17
N/A Flyers  16
N/A Foot Rest Regiment  49
N/A Galactic Cuttlefish Drum Corps  2
N/A Genocide  8
N/A Ghost Ryders  79
N/A Glenbrook Drum Corps  3
N/A Gold Armada  43
N/A Golden Regiment  1
N/A Grand Potatoes  4
N/A GrandStar  2
N/A Granite City Drum and Bugle Corps  5
N/A Great Sun  1
N/A Green Devils  15
N/A Greencoats Drum and Bugle corps  7
N/A Groove  6
N/A Highlanders  16
N/A Hillsboro Dynamos  5
N/A HVA  27
N/A I am Groot  33
N/A Icicle Influence  22
N/A Impact & Resonance Northwest Corps  8
N/A Independence Warriors  1
N/A Invouge Drum and Bugle Corps  2
N/A Jaguars  22
N/A Jersey Delmarva  20
N/A Jorsay Derf  3
N/A Kentucky Regiment  63
N/A Kiemura  2
N/A Kinetic Inferno  34
N/A Kingsmen  88
N/A Knight's Regiment  24
N/A Knights  28
N/A kst tigers  1
N/A L.A. Knights  10
N/A Lawrence Crusaders  11
N/A Legion  14
N/A Legion  22
N/A Lightning Strikes  1
N/A Lords of Time  4
N/A Lunar Sentinals  4
N/A Madison Sound  57
N/A Majestix DBC  1
N/A Mando'ade Kote!  18
N/A Marauder Regiment  3
N/A Marching Aviators  8
N/A Marching Dragons  2
N/A Marching Hawks  17
N/A Marching Squids  8
N/A marching wendigos  1
N/A Marching Wolverines  2
N/A Mello Militia  9
N/A Midtex Marching Reds  3
N/A Miracle Mask Enterprise  56
N/A Missouri Golden Lions  1
N/A Musical Flames  1
N/A Nashville Sound  108
N/A New Orleans Current  5
N/A Next Level DC  8
N/A Nor'Easter Sound  2
N/A North Pole Reindeer Riders  2
N/A North Star Drum Corps  48
N/A Northern Lights  89
N/A Northern Warriors  55
N/A Off-world Drum & Bugle Corps  3
N/A Ontos Drum and Bugle Corps  19
N/A Oxford Crusaders  2
N/A Oyster Brigade  3
N/A Pacific Double-Reed Ensemble  41
N/A Panhandle Patriots Drum and Bugle Corps  16
N/A Paoli Marching Rams Drum and Bugle Corps  34
N/A Paragon Drum Corps  42
N/A Park Pulse  27
N/A Patriots  67
N/A Pendragon Drum Corps  1
N/A Penguins  1
N/A Pennsbury Drum Corps  12
N/A Phantom Regiment  4
N/A Phoenix  1
N/A Pink Crusaders  1
N/A Pioneer  3
N/A Pioneer Regiment  58
N/A Platinum Ocean Drum Corps  2
N/A Podium  1
N/A purple diamonds  2
N/A Quake Regiment  2
N/A Queen City Cadets  59
N/A Raiders  13
N/A Red Knights  1
N/A Red Skys DC  8
N/A Regement 238  22
N/A Revelations  2
N/A Revolution DBC  7
N/A River City Rhythm  7
N/A Rivermen  7
N/A Rock Starters  1
N/A Ron Swansons  20
N/A Saboteurs  13
N/A Scaly Jumpers  3
N/A Secret Society  40
N/A Shadow Armada  23
N/A Shadowcoats  26
N/A Shanghai Sound  17
N/A Shock Wave  2
N/A Shoreman Drum Corps  3
N/A Silver Lightning  3
N/A SKDC  39
N/A Skyfall  1
N/A Sonic Boom  4
N/A Sonics  21
N/A Soulsteppers  2
N/A Southern Pride  3
N/A Spats  43
N/A Spectral Legion  12
N/A Spectre  58
N/A Spektor  1
N/A Spin Cycle  87
N/A Spirit of Atlanta  4
N/A Spirit of Atlantis  92
N/A Spirit of Shitpost  19
N/A Spirit of Sunnyvale  127
N/A Spirit of Waxahachie Indian Band  3
N/A St. Louis Jazz  2
N/A Stateliners Drum and Bugle Corps  2
N/A Stormwind Drum and Bugle Corps  4
N/A Suisun Storm  3
N/A Summit Regiment  7
N/A Tennessee Tiara  44
N/A Texans Corps  6
N/A Texas Troopers  16
N/A The Academy  58
N/A The Archmen  43
N/A The Aspie Knights  2
N/A The Aviators  3
N/A The Bay Cadets  7
N/A The Black Planets  13
N/A The Blue Crusades  2
N/A the blue jackets  1
N/A The Blue Knights  1
N/A The Bluecoats  5
N/A The Branch Davidians  3
N/A The Cardinals  3
N/A The cats  21
N/A The Colts  2
N/A The Conquistadors  3
N/A The Dark Angels  5
N/A The Dark Knights  18
N/A The Dragon Regiment  2
N/A The Fae  12
N/A The Fighting Goats  2
N/A The Firelord's Fire Breathers  21
N/A The First State Cadets  20
N/A The First Statesmen  8
N/A The Forces of Nature  2
N/A The Gates  7
N/A The Gingers  7
N/A The Highland Crescent Alliance  3
N/A The Indiana Musketeers  1
N/A The Marauders  57
N/A The Marching Royals of Harmony  5
N/A The Marching Steel  2
N/A The Mushrooms in Uniform  11
N/A The Musketeers  3
N/A The Nomads  28
N/A The North Coast Regiment  11
N/A The Orlando Braves  25
N/A The Panthers B  61
N/A The Patriots  2
N/A The Phoenixes  4
N/A The Powerhouse from the South  1
N/A The Proof Writers  38
N/A The Red Devils  23
N/A The Red Foxes  8
N/A The Red Hornets  8
N/A The Red Legion  5
N/A The Remnant  25
N/A The Renegade  2
N/A The Scotsmen  3
N/A The Silver Lining Drum and Bugle Corps  5
N/A The Society  5
N/A The United Drums Of America  6
N/A The Veterans  4
N/A The Warriors  8
N/A The Warriors B  1
N/A The Washington Spiders  12
N/A The Wildcoats  18
N/A The Wilted Flowers  7
N/A The XtraordinarY  1
N/A This is how we DRUM!!!  1
N/A Titans Regiment  6
N/A Topeka Long Squirrels  2
N/A Tornado Regiment  38
N/A Vagabonds  2
N/A Vanguard Knights  75
N/A Velvet Rose Drum & Bugle  2
N/A War Eagle Regiment  17
N/A Warrior Regiment  1
N/A What?  8
N/A White Knights  1
N/A White Lightning Drum and Bugle Corps  8
N/A Wildcat Corps  1
N/A Wolfpack Regimant  1
N/A Yolo  1
Recent Activity
Madison Sound has reached level 57
16 hours ago
Vanguard Knights has reached level 75
19 hours ago
The Marauders has reached level 57
1 day ago