March 24th, 2011 12:47am
1) X amount of $ buy a new set of horns and increase your wind captions by X amount of points
2) X amount of $ buys a new pit or battery and raises percussion caption by X amount of points
3) purchase new silks / weapons for a raise in guard points
4) x amount of $ and you rent an indoor practice facility for a day/weekend/week and it raises your visual performance score
March parades for money but takes 400 power points per parade
add a morale caption......
take a day off from practice and boost morale
lose morale points for all visual practice in a day ( burn out)
400 energy points for a wash day gains X amount of morale points
400 energy points for sightseeing gains X amount of morale points
OR, just have a button for "down time" where your energy points go to morale ponts ( helps the people who can't check in 6 times a day for practice, sorta like the fundraiser and prominance buttons but uses all 100 energy points per hour towards morale)
$300,000 buys a new set of buses and get x amount of morale points
add wifi to buses and boost morale points
$1,000 buys steak night for the corps and boost morale points
The ideas are endless but I don't have the computer knowledge to know how hard this would be to set up.