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What are all the combines in FMA?!?!
I need the names of all the active combines in FMA... Like IIEA and CLASS. and question to whoever owns the combines? Do you guys allow groups to be a part of other combines?
**FMA** Hall of Famer*
Actually this might be nice info to have for a sticky.

Group name
Group leaders
Group region/membership requisites
Elite Marchers Association
Leader: Scooter92011
Region: Eastern U.S.A (Not Farther West than Minnesota, Iowa, Mossouri, Arkansas, Lousiana) & Abnormal locations such as Outer Space

EMA Gold 6000+ Influence 4+ Seasons Minimum Director Level 20 for Advanced Memebers Only (Divisions 1 & 2)
EMA Gray New Members 1-2 Seasons Only (All Divisions)
EMA Bronze Played FMA (If they do not meet EMA Gold or Gray requirements) (Divisons 1 & 2)

Elite Marchers Association will start Season 7
**FMA** Hall of Famer*
If you are curious as to what a combine is, Bando gave a good definition in another thread.

"A COMBINE is an association of groups who agree to host competitions for each other in return for competition spots. It also can be called a SUB-CIRCUIT of the regular FMA circuit."

Basically a combine a set of groups usually with a given prerequisite (such as physical location, influence, director level, etc) where each combine sets their own sub system of competitions and ranking, on top of FMA. This is a great way for newer members to get into show competitions and for people to compete against each other within their combine. Each combine also has their own set of rules and requirements.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
CLASS would allow members to be part of other combines if NOT the drum corps circuit. For example several members are members of CLASS and IIEA since they do not overlap.
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
Gotcha! Thanks gcurrier... So Elite can not have drum corps members from Class.
**FMA** Hall of Famer*
i would say not...CLASS has existed elsewhere and we never have allowed that but IF members voted to allow, we are governed by a board not just me---so be it!
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
Combine: IIEA (International Indoor Ensemble Association)

Leader: Bando

Info: Combine for Indoor Colorguard and Drumline groups. There is currently no prerequisites at this time. Members are not required to host a competition, and are encouraged to add IIEA groups to their shows. Members who host shows are given a special IIEA review with its own scores.

Because of the small size of the IIEA, rules are constantly changing. IIEA hosts its finals the sunday before FMA finals.

IIEA Discussion Topic

To answer the original question, yes, you can be a member of another indoor combine. (There is only one other one anyway, and its a colorguard one)
The IIEA Website! Join the forums today!
Combine: CLASS (Corps League Association for Superior Sight/Sound)

Leader(s): CLASS chairman Gcurrier and CLASS FMA President, Vice president, Secretary and that are yet to be elected

Info: Drum corps combine, it is open to groups of any region. Groups are required to host a competition in which they accept other combine members into before anyone else. Largest combine on FMA, it has been around since season 2, although in two different forms. The CLASS championships are the last two days of Week 4, and are run by a four person group, 3 of which are elected.

CLASS is a well respected association spanning 4 different fantasy marching circuits.

CLASS Discussion Topic:
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Combine: APA (Annual Performing Arts)

Leader(s): President Redregiment, Vice President ryanofcal

Info: An all around circuit, it has a different way of setting up championships than other combines. It has a District, Regional, Semi-state and State level where the top groups of each move to the next level. Requirements: All division's allowed to be a member, at lease 1000 Influence, let other members join your competitions, be active in the APA.

One of the only combines to have an influence requirement, it has a small member count but is a great way to have a different level of competition for all your groups.

APA Discussion Topic:
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
I have a degree in FMA combine research.

Not really, but I think that I'm going to make a list of all the combines from FMA past, present and future and create the history and such and then post it on a website or something. Haha
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
What are these combines?
Colts 2011 - Baritone :: Minnesota Brass 2013 - Bass 4


Posts: 422
January 24th, 2011 6:59pm
If you are curious as to what a combine is, Bando gave a good definition in another thread.

"A COMBINE is an association of groups who agree to host competitions for each other in return for competition spots. It also can be called a SUB-CIRCUIT of the regular FMA circuit."

Basically a combine a set of groups usually with a given prerequisite (such as physical location, influence, director level, etc) where each combine sets their own sub system of competitions and ranking, on top of FMA. This is a great way for newer members to get into show competitions and for people to compete against each other within their combine. Each combine also has their own set of rules and requirements. "
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Oh... I feel left out now...
Colts 2011 - Baritone :: Minnesota Brass 2013 - Bass 4
Combines have been around since season 2. XD
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles