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DBC - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
MB - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
CG - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
DL - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
Carolina Crown, here I come in 2013, 2014, and 2015
Would either of you be interested, possibly, in using your MML skills to stage my band's current-season show here? I have sketch drafts which will have some instrumentation and harmony changes, but the tempos and counts are all finalized. If anyone's interested, you can listen to the MIDIs at the URL's below.


EDIT: Combined the movements which have attacca endings so the full effect can be heard. Possibly just doing them as three movements instead.

EDIT2: WOW, that ending sounds awful. The final note got clipped off. It ends on count 3 of the final measure, not 2.
Nice but the sections ended up divided pretty bad. If you could do nice drill like that but have each section end up in an organized manner it would bring your drill to a new level!
Colts 2011 - Baritone :: Minnesota Brass 2013 - Bass 4
Since it was the end of the show, I didn't really care honestly. If it was the middle though, I would have been more concerned. And mellohero, I would, but I'm kinda leaving MML, so I can't.
DBC - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
MB - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
CG - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
DL - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
Blaski: Again, these are very rough sketches, plus most of them are attacca endings (i.e., straight into the next movement with no break).
Updated the midis so the divisions don't sound as bad. Movement 2 doesn't end on a complete cadence, but it goes straight into the closer without a break.
Why do you save them as midis?
Continuum (Resigned)
At the moment they're just rough sketches of a condensed score. I haven't had much time to work on orchestrating them and working out some of the blandness in the accompaniment (the counts are going to be the same, though). When I've done that, they'll be saved as mp3's.
Better website than micro marching leauge!!!!!!!!!
Joey Valenzuela(composer/Musical Genius)
See me on Facebook in 2012
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles