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FMA Store
Hey so I have been around here since season 1 on this site and I was wondering when is the store going to be up?
RWB "It's all for Love L-O-V-E" - Michael Jackson
Me too. I want some sweet FMA shiz!
Colts 2011 - Baritone :: Minnesota Brass 2013 - Bass 4
Still working on it. It will primarily be a place to support the site while getting little in-game upgrades, but I hope to have some other stuff too, like clothing. The problem is, its hard to find places that will print clothing on-demand but still be affordable for the buyer (Cafepress, et. al.)

Let me know if you find anything! Cafepress is pretty expensive. From what I've seen from looking into it, the cheapest way to go would be to just put up the money and prepay for a bunch from local/commercial print shops and hope it sells.

One option but might not be practical, is to order from vistaprint, but wait for their free shipping sales, plus their free item sales. I got about $350 worth of stuff for one of my sites for $50, and recently about $150 in stuff for $30. I got 4-5 shirts out of it, plus a banner (actually pretty nice) and some other stuff, mostly promo type stuff, but you could definitely use it to sell
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
Maybe someone has one of those small screen printers that they advertise late at night. You could make the logos and only print off what is ordered.