December 17th, 2010 11:41pm
You would think so ismensink... but honestly, I don't think staff points make that much of a difference. the big difference is in rehearsal points (and using your points efficiently). The only big difference with staff points is that you carry it over from season to season... which can make an impact for sure, but not the amount you think.
Just to keep something in mind though, the "top" players in the game probably not only have the most rehearsal points at the end of each season, but they also have their staff almost maxed out as well by now.
I think around season 2 and 3 was a big indication of how staff points stacked up against rehearsal points.. a lot of people seemed to save up all of their money until season 2 and 3, and then spent it all on staff upgrades.. which brought a lot of new names to the top of the ranks.. not all of them stayed though. There are only a few consistent groups on here that are in the top 3-5 every season.. me being one of them, and I can tell you this, it has nothing to do with staff upgrades... although it does help (a little). I'm sure gcurrier will agree as well.
Another thing to consider is this, you are now level 34, which means you have qualified for the Administrator skill only 4 levels ago.. and I don't know if you even saved up to get that.. so even at 100% fundraising, you are still going to be behind other groups who have been double fundraising for several seasons now.. (I was the first and got it at the end of season 2) even if people were only fundraising half the time, that means they were spending half the energy for the same money than you are getting now, and still being able to compete better and gain more energy than you.. also raising more director skill and probably corps influence at the same time.
So it will be interesting to see what you can do what you decide to go all out.. and you might jump up and make finals or even top 10 for a season but honestly I don't think it will make the the long term impact you think it will.
Here is a tip for you (and others)... I only fundraise when I sleep (which I hardly ever do lol), and 99% of the time I do fundraise it's for money.. the rest of the time is spent on rehearsal points, and I've only maxed out at 400 maybe 20 times since this started... I'm also the only person to make top 3 in div 1 in all of my groups every season, and have been in the top 2 pretty much for every group since season 2.. so maybe... I'm not making any of this up :)
I'm looking forward to seeing how you do!