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FMA EAST COAST COMBINE Season 5 Discussion
I don't think I can handle another fantasy league. Haha. This one keeps me busy enough.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Suit yourself, see you guys in D1 next season. :P
CLASS VP of Administration
Member of IIEA

Inferno- 21st Div. I
Rhythm Q- 3rd Div. III
HCHS Marching Tigers- 8th Div. III
HCHS Winter Guard- 6th Div. III
Gary, you might have yourself a deal. :P I think I have my Open Class numbers figured out. We'll see if my guys can hang on to a Finals spot.
CLASS VP of Administration
Member of IIEA

Inferno- 21st Div. I
Rhythm Q- 3rd Div. III
HCHS Marching Tigers- 8th Div. III
HCHS Winter Guard- 6th Div. III
Whatever, Gary! Nothing tops my DCPI spreadsheet (when I have it updated)!
Detroit Parks & Recreation
Gcurrier! Did you read my IIEA review of the colorguard comp we were in on Christmas? It took me 3hrs to type. haha
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
nothing tops your DCPI spreadsheet Chris? Is that why last time we used them in season 13 you beat me? OH WAIT!!! :)
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
I did Bando and I like it a lot...but i thought I couldn't join because im NOT scholastic based. The Knights are my DCPI corps and the guard is a division of them. They are not affiliated with any school. Maybe the school of EXCELLENCE! LOL

BUT the article was AWESOME!
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
Ah, I'll make sure to make it Open in the next review. Actually, I changed the rules sometime during season 4 to allow non-scholastic based groups to join. I have to guess what groups are all the time and if the name of the indoor group matches the marching band I usually just label as scholastic. Haha But yeah... I'll be sure to change that.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
I can't seem to get the verification email for the corps registration.
Director to:

Modern Antic
Odoriboro Blaze
Jester Fester

Member of the CLASS
Cool! Ill be sure to be more active! LOL
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
@VincentPezza: For DCPI? Jeff does those manually, I think. He'll probably get it when he posts last night's scores.
CLASS VP of Administration
Member of IIEA

Inferno- 21st Div. I
Rhythm Q- 3rd Div. III
HCHS Marching Tigers- 8th Div. III
HCHS Winter Guard- 6th Div. III
Mkay. Lemme check again.
Director to:

Modern Antic
Odoriboro Blaze
Jester Fester

Member of the CLASS
Ok. Don't forget to join DCP's forums and post the necessary info in the Registration thread. DCP Forums > DCP Features > DCP Fantasy Drum Corps League > DCP-I XV Registration
CLASS VP of Administration
Member of IIEA

Inferno- 21st Div. I
Rhythm Q- 3rd Div. III
HCHS Marching Tigers- 8th Div. III
HCHS Winter Guard- 6th Div. III
CLASS has given me full authority to welcome all ECC corps into CLASS and expand CLASS here on FMA. I guess we should put to official vote to merge ECC into CLASS for season 6 as a separate division of CLASS. All in favor please say ya...opposed na...
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Director to:

Modern Antic
Odoriboro Blaze
Jester Fester

Member of the CLASS
I guess I should state officially my vote is YA LOL
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
CLASS VP of Administration
Member of IIEA

Inferno- 21st Div. I
Rhythm Q- 3rd Div. III
HCHS Marching Tigers- 8th Div. III
HCHS Winter Guard- 6th Div. III
happy new years everyone
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ