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High Influence combine for season 5 ?
Seems most combines were organized to help corps get into contests because they had little influence and thus not much of a draw for ticket sales so they were not accepted into enough shows.

Think of this: a ONE season combine for 15 corps with at least 10,000 influence. Just like the combine that laid the groundwork for DCI, 15 corps that bring people into the seats so each of the 15 corps can host a show and charge the highest ticket prices for a 15 corps event and make plenty of money to level up the staff.

The Holy #### Cadets have a show called the G8 money maker ( or something like that )

How about for season 5 the top 15 influence corps form the G15 combine ?

anyone with over 10,000 influence interested ?

Come on, it's just like the G8 or the Mid West Combine of 1971
Ummmm, that is not our show
He probably just associated the G8 money maker contest with your corps because of recent events in DCI. ;)
Continuum (Resigned)
You are better off just pm'ing those members directly.. there aren't THAT many.. and if you do that then you won't look like someone trying to be a money hog to everyone else... especially when new members to the site are already having a hard time getting accepted to shows because they have no influence.

Why not try to do something different and have a under-5000 combine to help those members out, instead of being greedy.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
The combines aren't just for people with low influence. Anyone can join a combine. Most combines would appreciate having a higher influence member. The original intention on the combines were to have regional tours (You can see this in the Gulf Coast combine specifically, the others were created on a slightly different basis).

Yes, it has turned into, You host a show for these people and they let you into their shows, but that is just the perk. I made 15,000 last season on my Drum Corps show. I had only two non-combine members with higher influence. Its still possible to make money, you just need to know what to do.

[/end rant]
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
I am highly against this idea.
ummmm, #### NO
The ECC is glad to accept new members regardless of influence. I know I joined not so much because I was not being accepted to shows but for the fellowship! New members our old...all welcomed
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ