October 12th, 2010 10:13am
I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but I think that creating an event should have a few regulations so players don't get frustrated.
I.e., if your show doesn't fill up by, say, a week later, than it's deleted and you get your money back.
I don't know about anyone else, but it's week 3 and already I've had this happen 4 times. I signed up for a show, and the day of I look to see why I haven't been accepted or rejected yet, and the person has stopped playing or just wasted money on a show and didn't accept any groups. So all Season I've wasted this slot for a show, when I could have seen it was deleted two weeks ago and signed up for a different show where I'd of been accepted.
Some might say "well, what if the show never fills up?". First response is "come on, really? they fill up the day they're posted". Second response, "maybe there could be a "complete show roster without filling" button or something on the event page.
I dunno... I am just complaining, but seriously, 4 times I've wasted a show-day due to someone who decided to stop playing.