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Show Regulating
I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but I think that creating an event should have a few regulations so players don't get frustrated.

I.e., if your show doesn't fill up by, say, a week later, than it's deleted and you get your money back.

I don't know about anyone else, but it's week 3 and already I've had this happen 4 times. I signed up for a show, and the day of I look to see why I haven't been accepted or rejected yet, and the person has stopped playing or just wasted money on a show and didn't accept any groups. So all Season I've wasted this slot for a show, when I could have seen it was deleted two weeks ago and signed up for a different show where I'd of been accepted.

Some might say "well, what if the show never fills up?". First response is "come on, really? they fill up the day they're posted". Second response, "maybe there could be a "complete show roster without filling" button or something on the event page.

I dunno... I am just complaining, but seriously, 4 times I've wasted a show-day due to someone who decided to stop playing.
Douglas Olmstead, Druids Drum & Bugle Corps Executive Director
if your show doesn't fill up by, say, a week later, than it's deleted and you get your money back.
- Bad idea. Some people like to wait for a few days or weeks to go through applications.

what if the show never fills up? come on, really? they fill up the day they're posted
- That is not true. Especially about the day they're posted.

I do understand about your complaint though... waiting days or weeks to get accepted but never getting into a show you applied for. Well... YOU need to be watching it more carefully then. You are applying.. it's not a guarantee either way. If you don't get into a show after a few days/weeks then cancel your application and go somewhere else.

Use common sense.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
Maybe a little icon that says if you have been applied to a show for more than a week? I forget when I apply to shows.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
I agree with Bando. We need a better mechanism for knowing when a show is not actually a show, but a dead link....
That's a good idea.. show the date you applied
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
Isn't that why we asked for the "last active" thing to be put up, so we could see if people hosting shows are active
This is true. Although, I just want to know how long ago I applied.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
There are several shows that I have signed up for this season and by the show date no one had been accepted. If your going to host a show there needs to be a deadline on accepting applications so if for some reason people quit playing we are not left waiting to see whats going to happen and find another show to go to.
Envision Drum and Bugle Corps
Envision Academy of Arts Marching Band,Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion
This has all been discussed before, but that should be a possibility in my opinion.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Thank you, Dave.

I am sure I am not the only one on here who has a life outside this game. Particularly getting a music ed degree somewhere (which now takes a minimum of 5 to 6 years in most schools for a BME alone). Between college, bands, marching band, jobs, outside life stuff like friends and family, I find enough time to check and rehearse my groups maybe 4 or 5 times a day, and that's for a couple of minutes on a school CPU kiosk to use my energy before the next class and in between checking my school e-mails. I simply don't have enough time on my hands to be watching my scheduled shows, either. I have just enough time to rehearse, check my scores, write a review or two, and call it good. Now I am being told it's my responsibility if I want to play the game to moderate if other people are playing and adjust my show schedule accordingly? In real life if a corps doesn't have to be constantly checking on the people who start their shows-- and isn't this game supposed to imitate life? I just find it annoying being told it's my responsibility. A week-long registration period, or something. Just anything so I don't have to check back for a score and see I missed out on a show date. This game should design itself around the need of the players, not the other way around.
Maybe there should be a penalty or fine for those members who do not manage their show properly, because it really does put a burden on everyone else. Say make them not only lose their show set up money, but also $x,000 as well based on the type of show they set up.. or make it so they are unable to make a show the next season.

I understand things might come up, like dying... but there really are no excuses. I'm guessing most of the shows that this is happening to are from new members who sign up, make their corps and show, and never return.

I really think the site needs to have automatic emails sent out on the following
- pm received
- show signup received
- prior show email stats, either weekly or daily.. up until your show..
and possibly more, but those are the main ones I can think of right now
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
That's what I mean-- those who sign up, make shows, either decide they don't want to play anymore because they aren't winning a lot or w/e their reasons are, or they're too busy to play what have you.

Just some sort of regulation so all those who are wasting days waiting to be either accpeted or declined don't get on the day of a show and see that the creator hasn't played it since he made the show.

Just something to penalize and remove shows that are inactive, and maybe, dare I say it, players who are inactive. It's cool to be in a top position, but when you're in 2nd of 40 or whatever, but only 20 played since the begining (I don't know if this stat. is true, mind you), than it takes away the feeling of accompilshment.
Douglas Olmstead, Druids Drum & Bugle Corps Executive Director
This would, of course, only count for prelims... lol, so, I forgot about the Finals thing : P
Douglas Olmstead, Druids Drum & Bugle Corps Executive Director
I agree that something should be done, but email is not the way to go, when you have 40+ people sign up for your shows times 4 shows a season that is a lot of emails filling your inbox
Maybe an e-mail after 10 people, 30 people, 70 people, 150 people, and then every 20 after that? Or maybe every three days?
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
No.. you just do one daily email at xPM or xAM ...

It would be even better to have it at an option.. either send an email instantly, daily, weekly, etc
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
A daily email wouldn't be so bad but if you are going on once or twice a day before / after work or school it kind of defeats the purpose of the email since you will see the applicants when you spend your energy. Unless this is aimed at folks who are on once in a blue moon or not at all
Exactly.. it would be more towards people who don't check every day.. and even those that do, you might forget that you have shows to manage. I should also be an option to either turn on/off emails.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
I think if someone doesn't accept or decline anyone after a given amount of time, then it should just automatically accept the top 5, 10, 15... etc people for the show.
Continuum (Resigned)