October 3rd, 2010 10:58pm
Yes, I have free time between my 6 classes because I actually do my homework on time and I go to EVERY class unless I'm dying. Some people just don't understand that school is easy if they understand everything that is going on in class and by doing that they need to get all the information by going to that class everyday (or whenever the class is) Missing school is the worst thing for me because then I don't learn the class content. The more you know before a test, the less you have to study, thus leading to more free time. (This is a ridiculously long answer for no reason ha ha)
No, if you read what I posted I said I was freaking out (A.K.A. excited) because I shouldn't be winning due to the fact that I'm ranked #40 for highest Director level.
-flamtap (nice name by the way)-
You have a really good point for some of the people, but that still doesn't mean that the 40 people that were beating me ALL went back to work. Good point though.
Yes! I had about $15,000 for each of my classes and I did spend it all on upgrading my staff, but I had no idea that the upgrades could effect me that much. and for the Technical aspect of each show... I have them all maxed out at the highest they can be. So does this mean that I'm starting out slow now (which I'm not) and going to get better towards the end of the season? That would skyrocket me to the top! I would like that lol. but I just had two (real life) marching band shows I needed to go to this weekend so I haven't been on since Friday. I'll have to work harder to try and catch up! 1st place here I come!
P.S. Thanks for the help everybody!