September 20th, 2010 11:26pm
So, I figured now that the combines have gone through a season, and we have seen the amazing things they do for groups plus I've seen pretty much first hand how they work, and what is involved with running them, I have a suggestion for Marching Band.
Instead of completely confined combines (specific states much be involved with certain combines), I suggest just a group of different sub-circuits that have a general area, and have different rules. Isn't that what the combines are, you might ask? Sure, however, this system allows more than one circuit to take members from each state.
Also, like the combines, each can have their own set of rules, but in this system, rules can be more strict and requirements can be higher.
Bands of France competition circuit requires you must have a group in France, and have an influence of over 3000.
However, United Bands of the French requires you must be in France or a neighboring country, doesn't care about your influence.
And lastly, Bands of British War Against France requires you to be non-French, and cannot compete in French Competitions (Ridiculous example, but you get the point)
Because these can be so specific, they add a new level to the game. Not only must you rehearse your groups, but you have to maintain the influence growth requirement of Tournament of X, or the Tier Y sized competition requirement of National Band Candy League. I know some combines do something like this already, but the current Drum corps combine system doesn't give many options as far as which combine can I join without moving my group to a different state.
Here is a legit example of what I'm talking about:
Example 1
North-West Bands United will accept any group around north-west United States with these conditions:
- Applying group must have an influence of at least 1,500 and must gain at least 100 influence per season.
- Current members can accept non circuit groups, but only after accepting 75% circuit groups.
- Current members must check the forum at least once a week and post
- Current members must add the tag {NWBU} to their competition title, if not there, group must wait another season before applying
-Current members must give the schedule committee competition information for the next season by Week 4 (If hosting in Weeks 4 and 5, you must send information 3 days within your competition unless notice is given of possible lateness)
Example 2
Bands of the West B will accept any group in western united states
-Applying groups can have up to 2000 influence (Once above, the next season will be moved to BOTWA)
-Current members should host a tier 1 or 2 competition (if higher that would be great!)
-Members should accept any BOTWB group, and one BOTWA group.
-Messages about circuit deadlines will be sent weekly, so check your messages often!
-Member should be in their first or second season of FMA.
As you can see, example one is for a more select group of members. Example 2 is run by a parent circuit, and is designed specifically for rookies and newer members. Both have requirements, but one is much stricter than the other.
1. Have a Board of Directors for your circuit. It helps, believe me.
2. Split your circuit up into smaller districts if you have a larger one. It will make things more competitive in each.
3. Have a group that can host a large scale competition for a championships festival. It doesn't have to be a group made for that purpose, but a member who has enough money to host one that size.
4. Clearly define what you want to see the requirements as in the opening post. Its easier to slim them down later if you find limited response.
5. If there is already a circuit in the area you want to create one for, and it has similar requirements, don't start a new one. It will just bog down everything.
6. Once a few are created, create an overall board of directors to review new circuits and see if it would be better for them to merge with another one.
7. When scheduling, try to have everyone post competition information before preseason, and have circuit members send messages to apply. After this, have each director post the lists so it can be checked to see if groups can be moved around to make acceptance more even.
8. If you find your circuit is large enough, try to make a circuit under yours specifically for people in their first season of FMA. It will give some experience with how the circuit works, but its has much more realistic requirements for them.
Obviously, this is more towards getting these ready for season 4 or 5, but I'd like to get some feedback from the other marching band groups. Also, this is just a suggestion, more discussion should happen before any of these circuits are created. Also, the term circuit is just what I used here, just like the Combines, the name of the systems can be changed to something else. Obviously not combines, as that would get confusing, but you get the point.
I just spent more than a half hour on this post. O.o