October 5th, 2010 4:31pm
As I had mentioned last week, I had sent out the propositions for rule changes. Most of the region directors commented on it and here is the copy to used for voting. Please read it give suggestions. Voting for changes will be at the end of the week (Thursday and Friday), and will be enacted for Season 4. Thank you!
1) Move scheduling sign-up to Week 3 in order to:
2) Week 4 sign ups for competitions
3) Use the ECC GCC-hosting week guidelines for all competitions in order to allow members to accept non-members, except for competitions hosted as Tiers 1 or 2 must accept only combine members.
4) Limit competition sign-ups to a certain amount of days per week so everyone can compete the same amount (or about the same amount) every week.
5) Require at least some amount of influence to be gained every season (only like 100 or something, nothing too major and easily obtainable.)
6) Weekly Board meetings (done through some other forum [via ECC website] or something similar)
7) Creation of a scheduling committee in order to handle 1-4
These can changed by combine discussion within the next two days before voting.