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Display accepted/max competing ensembles on the schedule panel
In FMA v1 the schedule panel featured how many ensembles were attending out of the max number of attendees on the main schedule panel. This could be featured to the left of the event page link with minimal affect to the appearance of the schedule page.

Displaying the accepted/max ensembles on the schedule panel will greatly assist some directors when deciding which competitions to apply for.

Currently directors need to visit the event page to see the size of the event and how many available performance slots remain, and for some that may be a very time consuming process.

For the directors who would quickly prefer to know if they are applying for one of three or 30 remaining performance slots at a competition, displaying the accepted/max values available at first glance would be a great asset to the functionality of FMA.

Thank you for your consideration.
Detroit Parks & Recreation
I'll second this. This was a very handy feature in v1, as Chris said.
CLASS VP of Administration
Member of IIEA

Inferno- 21st Div. I
Rhythm Q- 3rd Div. III
HCHS Marching Tigers- 8th Div. III
HCHS Winter Guard- 6th Div. III