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Event pages: provide 'apply' link; permit images inside event description.
I am one of those players who likes to look at the event pages before I apply.

It would be nice if there was a direct link to apply to the show I am previewing so I don't have to click back and search for the event again. This would also be able to assist event hosts with recruiting - they could encourage other players to preview their show pages and apply directly from there.

It would also be nice to permit an image inside the show description, so those of us who would like to make 'show posters' can have those made and posted on our event pages. This would also be an enticing means of ensemble recruitment - a well designed show poster can go a long way to make ensembles want to be a part of your show.

As the game currently stands, aside from the combine system, the shows all look the same and there is very little incentive to choose one show over another because there isn't much to differentiate between them. If show hosts have the ability to make their show appealing and provide the ability to apply from that appealing page, you might see increased interaction between players as they try to "WOW!" other players into their show.
Detroit Parks & Recreation
It would also be nice if we could see some information about the influence of the confirmed groups in the event pages to know if it is worth applying to. I've been taking the group names and looking them up in the stats which takes a while.
Why? Not everyone picks a group based on their influence
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
The images are on the docket, its just a little more work to handle uploads than the simple code changes I've been doing.

The apply button from the event page is good too.
If you don't want to deal with uploads, you can always just do an [img] tag, with preset width/height, or javascript resize.

If you want a upload function I use with resizing let me know
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
People can use their own space, photobucket, etc... I was more thinking an input line for the url where the image is hosted.
Detroit Parks & Recreation
yes, i think that would be better. i use photobucket for a lot of things, and actually don't like having to upload to specific sites.
Favorite Composer: Richard Saucedo
Favorite Orchestrated piece: Motion (Brian Balmages)
Favorite Mainstream Piece: FireFlies (Owl City)
That's probably the best plan for now. It will make it easier to implement on my end.