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Event Hosting - Tiered Pricing
Allow us to set multiple price points for events, allowing a maximum of 3 price points and tiered on a percentage of tickets as determined by the event host. It should be assumed by the game that the most expensive tickets are for the best seas at an event, and will have higher "influence" than those tickets at a lower price. However, there should still be a variable that has an unknown percentage of ticket buyers who prefer seats at a lower price point.

A tiered pricing system for events would better emulate reality, and would give event hosts additional factors to consider each season regarding the value of seats. Those players who wish to play as the game is currently structured are free to input one price with 100% as the price percentage.
Detroit Parks & Recreation
I agree with all of these ideas. [Meaning all of the threads you've posted.)
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
If this is ever implemented, I think it should be implemented AFTER a lot of other ideas suggested...
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"