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Is it just me...
Or has it been a while since we got a staff-written article? I kinda miss those, I enjoyed reading them, haha.
Sapphire Sound - Div. I Drum Corps
Sapphire Sound Cadets - Div. I Marching Band
2x Drum Corps Medalist (S2 Div 1 Champions)
2x Marching Band Medalist (S2 Div 3 Champions)
summer is over. people don't have time anymore.
Favorite Composer: Richard Saucedo
Favorite Orchestrated piece: Motion (Brian Balmages)
Favorite Mainstream Piece: FireFlies (Owl City)
I was planning to write one today, but now it is pretty late. I have opened up the stats pages and I'm saving the data for a big one tomorrow. =)
Yeah.. kind of sucks they aren't doing their jobs. :P

If you can't do it, pass it along to someone who wants to and has the time
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
Stop complaining. It just makes you seem like a jerk. This is just a game. The writers have lives, too.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
I'll be sure to update soon I'm just been so busy with band recently. Once we get to our normal schedule I should be able to get articles out more often.
Proud Director Of

Infinity Sound Drum and Bugle Corps (D2)
Infinity Winterguard (D2)
Storm Indoor Drumline (D2)
Westwood Academy Marching Band (D2)

Not complaining, just saying. If I were complaining, I'd make it very clear I was.
Sapphire Sound - Div. I Drum Corps
Sapphire Sound Cadets - Div. I Marching Band
2x Drum Corps Medalist (S2 Div 1 Champions)
2x Marching Band Medalist (S2 Div 3 Champions)
bando, i dont think he came across as a jerk, he was just pointing out his opinion. The same as you are doing but I'm not calling you a jerk, at least not in writing.
As for saying the writers have lives too and this is just a game. I agree, but why sign up for something and then fail to deliver what you have said you will provide.
I very much doubt anybody would have gained writer 'jobs' from Alex if their application consisted of-' i'll do a few articles and then just stop as I'll be too busy'.
Being a staff writer for FMA may be very low on the journalistic scale but I'm sure some people out there would be very happy with a foot on the rung to put on their CV in years to come. Get rid of the deadwood and give other kids a chance.
Hm... I was kinda mean...

Well, anyway, its a tough time now that school has started. A lot of people are going to have problems getting on.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
I've never agreed with the "staff writer" positions. As far as I'm concerned if you want to write a review, have at it and do it. Why should you have to have a formal title to be able to do that?
Detroit Parks & Recreation
Another article coming from me tonight and then another Saturday. After that, I'll be on my normal schedule. I have been busy teaching 3 bands while trying to take summer school. Band camps will finally be over this week and I'll have some time to actually sit down and write.

For those who want more articles, I completely agree. But you have to understand that these things do take time. I usually spend 30 minutes to an hour just for a basic one. The ones where I cover two days can take an hour an half.
We appreciate your hard work ssmit!

The thing is, the commentators know what is involved as far as the work and the time it takes.. if they notice they haven't been putting out articles like they said they would, they should give up the position so someone else who might be interested (and have the time to commit to it) can do it.

It's the same concept with other things, like forum moderators or whatever
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
Band camp appears to be the biggest culprit lately. I think we'll see more reviews once band camps have ended.
Maybe I should be more open to having multiple commentators per circuit. Anyone opposed to this?
I'm not =D
Sapphire Sound - Div. I Drum Corps
Sapphire Sound Cadets - Div. I Marching Band
2x Drum Corps Medalist (S2 Div 1 Champions)
2x Marching Band Medalist (S2 Div 3 Champions)
Nope. Even if there are multiple articles, it would still be interesting to read the different point of views
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
I wouldn't be opposed to a second writer for marching band. If anything we could trade off days and it would keep me on top of my game to keep up with the articles if they were, too.
Maybe a forum for just the commentators so they can work it out between themselves?
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
It is tough when you go to the long thought process and hard work to put together an interesting and fun article and NOBODY shows that they have read it. Maybe if people would verbally appreciate the thought, creativity and time that goes into it, more than complaining when they DON'T get one... They may see more articles. It's much more effective to catch Flies with honey!
Not only does time restrain the process, but reading posts like this can also discourage it.
I hope I made sense.
Thank You,
Director of:
Open all Knights Drum Corps
Kentucky Mustangs Marching Band
Static Guard winter guard
Majestix (Magic Stix) Drum Line
All proud members of ECC Region 3