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drill writing
i would like to write my own drill, but i don't want to use micromarching. is there any kind of software (freeware preffered) that i could use?
Favorite Composer: Richard Saucedo
Favorite Orchestrated piece: Motion (Brian Balmages)
Favorite Mainstream Piece: FireFlies (Owl City)
I believe http://www.pyware.com has a free version that only allows a certain number of sets to be written.
Hugos a newer drill program and the demo allows you to save up to 5 pages (sets) its not as good as pyware but this ones a lot cheeper and still decent to use. www.hugodrilldesigner.com
RWB "It's all for Love L-O-V-E" - Michael Jackson
why don't you want to use MML? if you don't mind me asking.
My real name is Sam...
Yeah, I'm kinda curious as well.
Also, there is Field Artist, I've used a few times, but I've only used the trial, and you can't save with it.

I am also curious.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
I wrote drill for 15 years, the best way to start is with a post it pad. Just make line sketches to see what looks good to you, this will help you with form design and flow. After you have some experience and feel like you are getting the hang of it get some drill paper and design one song, start to finish. Make sure you write up an outline with count breakdowns and sketches. Keep your intervals fairly close, and your step sizes at or below eight to five. This will help you internalize how far and fast people normally move. Do a few songs like this just to learn the ropes then start adding difficulty...bigger step sizes, more people, etc. Before you know it you'll feel like you are ready to tackle a whole show, this is the time to move to a software program. Just remember, design is what you are trying to learn, have fun with it but keep it simple at first, the cool stuff will be flowing out of you like water before you know it. Good luck!
I started writing drill on notebook paper in class in high school.... :)
Then I progressed to graph paper and was yearning for pyware (still am!), till my band director (Zach Riggins, Phantom Regiment 1991-1995) introduced me to drill paper. I WAS IN HEAVEN! :)
I didn't know heaven till I discovered MML, though....
But, I am a poor college student who can't afford Pyware....
MML is a great way to get ideas out, though.... :)
I use MML also and it is good for just ideas of designs but sometimes I wish it could be used for more counting stuff to sync shows like I know you can sync shows but moving someone around the field to make sets longer or shorter but sometimes thats time consuming it would just be easier to have a count meter or something. However I do understand Joe's thinking on how its a game site and he doesn't want it to get too complicated.
RWB "It's all for Love L-O-V-E" - Michael Jackson