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Fantasy Marching Arts LIVE Drum Corps Season 2


Each Fantasy Corps will choose 8 "Live" corps to represent them in 8 captions: GE1, GE2, Visual Proficiency (VP), Visual Analysis (VA), Color Guard (CG), Brass (B), Music Analysis (MA) and Percussion (P) (the same as DCI).
The same as DCI, GE will be worth 40 points; Visual Total 30 points (VP, VA, CG); Music Total 30 points (B, MA, P)

Each corps will have a max amount of points to use towards those captions and each caption MUST have points assigned to them.

There will be 2 shows a week this season, one Friday and one Saturday using the most recent scores to align with historic season scores from 2023 and 2024 (Friday will use scores from the corresponding week and Saturday nights scores will correspond with that weeks historic scores- if a corps did not compete, the most recent scores will be used). Finals week there will be a Quarterfinals, Semifinals and Championships. You will not know in Advance which season (23 or 24) is being used for any show or caption.

No two corps can have the same 8 captions - if 2 corps do have the same captions, whoever submitted first will keep it and the other will be notified to change at least one caption.

During finals week if a “live corps” doesn't make it to the next level, we will use their previous score (no generated scores).

Captions can be submitted starting NOW and must be submitted by Wed March 12th

Caption changes: If you choose, you can make caption changes on the following schedule:
3 between March 30th and April 3rd
3 more between April 13th and April 15th
2 changes between quarters and semis and 2 between semis and finals

updated point values for Season 2 as an off season still using a max of 150 points

Bloo 24
Blue Devils 24
Boston 23
Carolina Crown 22
Phantom 20
Cadets/Vanguard 20
Mandarin 19
Colts 17
Blue Stars 16
Troopers 16
Cavaliers 16
Blue Knights 13
Madison Scouts 12
Pacific Crest 12
Crossmen 12
Spirit of Atlanta 10
Music City 9
the Academy 8
Genesis 4
Seattle Cascade 2
Jersey Surf 2
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
let me know of questions
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
I allowed delayed submissions until tomorrow at 8pm est
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ