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Congratulations to the good ending to the first season of these Leagues!

Edit: I know I’m not apart of these leagues, but I did solicit their founding.
Brendan Low, B.N. D&BC

Medalist Seasons: S120🥈 D3 CG S121🥇 D3 MB🥈 D3 DC🥈 D3 CG S124🥉 D2 DL S125🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 CG🥉D2 DL S126🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 DL
Season 119 Top Fives: DC & MB
Top five for Blue Band Battalion:

1st: Blue Scotsmen, 61.185
2nd: Blue Englishmen, 61.110
3rd: Blue Germans, 57.505
4th: Budget Ensemble, 57.140
5th: Blue Bongos, 52.705

Top five for Bootleg Bands of America:

1st: Central Brooklyn HS Marching Dutchmen: 60.335
2nd: Royal Command & Guard: 55.495
3rd: Blue Gocks: 54.830
4th: Fanta Clara Canguard: 52.850
5th: Terribly Shifty Band: 51.775
Brendan Low, B.N. D&BC

Medalist Seasons: S120🥈 D3 CG S121🥇 D3 MB🥈 D3 DC🥈 D3 CG S124🥉 D2 DL S125🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 CG🥉D2 DL S126🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 DL
Season 119: Top Fives: CG & DL
Top five for Bootleg Winter Guard International:

1st: Blue Dutch Guard, 63.570
2nd: Indiana Guard, 60.730
3rd: T-Shapedmen, 59.845
4th: Blue Gerrymanders, 58.825
5th: Just a standard guard, 52.890

Top five for Percussive Arts Society:

1st: Blue Drummin’ Dutchmen, 57.095
2nd: Doubled Drummers, 56.720
3rd: Albany Central HS Blue German Drumline, 54.880
4th: Most commonly spoken Chinese languages, 54.695
5th: Blue Monarchs, 53.835
Brendan Low, B.N. D&BC

Medalist Seasons: S120🥈 D3 CG S121🥇 D3 MB🥈 D3 DC🥈 D3 CG S124🥉 D2 DL S125🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 CG🥉D2 DL S126🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 DL
Season 120 Semi-Finalists:

BBB: 7 Semi-Finalists
bBOA: 7 Semi-Finalists
bWGI: 10 Semi-Finalists
PASIC: 9 Semi-Finalists
Brendan Low, B.N. D&BC

Medalist Seasons: S120🥈 D3 CG S121🥇 D3 MB🥈 D3 DC🥈 D3 CG S124🥉 D2 DL S125🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 CG🥉D2 DL S126🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 DL
Season 120 Top Fives: DC & MB
Blue Band Battalion:
1st: Blue Englishmen, 65.690
2nd: Blue Dutchmen, 64.675
3rd: Blue Germans, 62.290
4th: Blue Scotsmen, 61.090
5th: Budget Ensemble, 51.575

Bootleg Bands of America:
1st: Brooklyn Central HS, 64.080
2nd: West Long Island HS, 61.745
3rd: Albany Central HS, 61.700
4th: Queens Central HS, 61.560
5th: Little Big Band, 60.935
Brendan Low, B.N. D&BC

Medalist Seasons: S120🥈 D3 CG S121🥇 D3 MB🥈 D3 DC🥈 D3 CG S124🥉 D2 DL S125🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 CG🥉D2 DL S126🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 DL
Season 120 Top Fives: CG & DL
Bootleg Winter Guard International:
1st: Blue Dutch Guard, 68.145
2nd: Blue Scottish Color Guard, 62.330
3rd: Blue English Guard, 62.030
4th: Blue Norse Guard, 62.025
5th: Blue Germanic Guard, 61.915

1st: Blue Drummin’ Dutchmen, 60.925
2nd: Albany Central HS Blue German DL, 60.005
3rd: Blue Drummin’ Scotsmen, 58.370
4th: Blue English Drummers, 58.140
5th: Blue Norse Drummers, 58.030
Brendan Low, B.N. D&BC

Medalist Seasons: S120🥈 D3 CG S121🥇 D3 MB🥈 D3 DC🥈 D3 CG S124🥉 D2 DL S125🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 CG🥉D2 DL S126🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 DL
Talks are in the works between HokiePokie57 and Baritone810 about handing over the leadership of the leagues due to mismanagement of funds from HokiePokie57 to Baritone810, will keep everyone updated on future happenings.
Brendan Low, B.N. D&BC

Medalist Seasons: S120🥈 D3 CG S121🥇 D3 MB🥈 D3 DC🥈 D3 CG S124🥉 D2 DL S125🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 CG🥉D2 DL S126🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 DL
Season 121 Top Fives: DC & MB
Blue Band Battalion:
1st: Blue Englishmen D&BC, 67.375
2nd: Blue Dutchmen D&BC, 67.225
3rd: Blue Germans D&BC, 64.165
4th: Blue Scotsmen D&BC, 63.910
5th: Blue Norwegians D&BC, 62.690

Bootleg Bands of America:
1st: Little Big Band, 70.840
2nd: Brooklyn Central HS, 66.820
3rd: Queens Central HS, 63.765
4th: West Long Island HS, 63.645
5th: Albany Central HS, 63.630
Brendan Low, B.N. D&BC

Medalist Seasons: S120🥈 D3 CG S121🥇 D3 MB🥈 D3 DC🥈 D3 CG S124🥉 D2 DL S125🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 CG🥉D2 DL S126🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 DL
Season 121 Top Fives: CG & DL
Bootleg Winter Guard International:
1st: The Blue Dutch Guard, 73.450
2nd: The Blue English Guard, 66.110
3rd: Blue Scottish Guard, 65.930
4th: Blue Germanic Guard, 65.760
5th: Blue’s Color Guard, 63.620

Percussive Arts Society (PASIC):
1st: The Blue Drummin’ Dutchmen, 63.255
2nd: Albany Central HS Blue German Drumline, 62.220
3rd: Blue Drummin’ Scotsmen, 60.710
4th: The Blue English Drummers, 60.440
5th: Blue’s Drumline, 59.200
Brendan Low, B.N. D&BC

Medalist Seasons: S120🥈 D3 CG S121🥇 D3 MB🥈 D3 DC🥈 D3 CG S124🥉 D2 DL S125🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 CG🥉D2 DL S126🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 DL
I know this might be random, but in my personal opinion, I would like to induct into ‘Bootleg Bands of America’ Hall of Fame; the Little Big Band.

From 18th in Div. 2 Preliminary’s S120 to .525 points shy of Div. 3 Champions, the Little Big Band deserves this distinction. They are one of the most successful in bBOA’s short, but storied history along with Brooklyn Central HS, they exhibited what bBOA is all about; Success.

Thank you.
Brendan Low, B.N. D&BC

Medalist Seasons: S120🥈 D3 CG S121🥇 D3 MB🥈 D3 DC🥈 D3 CG S124🥉 D2 DL S125🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 CG🥉D2 DL S126🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 DL
Season 122 Top Fives: DC & MB

Blue Band Battalion:
1st: Blue Dutchmen D&BC; 75.530
2nd: Blue Delaware Regiment; 62.075
3rd: Blue Patriots; 58.560
4th: Budget Ensemble; 52.285
5th: Blue Englishmen D&BC; 51.455

Bootleg Bands of America:
1st: Brooklyn Central HS Blue Marching Dutchmen; 74.270
2nd: Blue’s Marching Band; 70.710
3rd: Redgrass HS Marching Band; 57.535
4th: Blue Knights; 56.580
5th: Royal Command & Guard; 52.465
Brendan Low, B.N. D&BC

Medalist Seasons: S120🥈 D3 CG S121🥇 D3 MB🥈 D3 DC🥈 D3 CG S124🥉 D2 DL S125🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 CG🥉D2 DL S126🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 DL
Season 122 Top Fives: CG & DL

Bootleg Winter Guard International:
1st: The Blue Dutch Guard; 81.995
2nd: Blue’s Color Guard; 73.290
3rd: Patriots Guard; 61.225
4th: Redgrass Independent Color Gaurd; 59.135
5th: Indiana Guard; 57.495

Percussive Arts Society:
1st: Blue Drummin’ Dutchmen; 67.840
2nd: Blue’s Drumline; 64.020
3rd: Doubled Drummers; 53.000
4th: The Blue English Drummers; 47.600
5th: Homestead Spartan Alliance Band; 46.415

75th Message of my time! Woohoo!
Brendan Low, B.N. D&BC

Medalist Seasons: S120🥈 D3 CG S121🥇 D3 MB🥈 D3 DC🥈 D3 CG S124🥉 D2 DL S125🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 CG🥉D2 DL S126🥈 D2 MB🥈 D2 DL
After the Blue Nationalities All Age Corps long participation in Blue Band Battalion, we have left this amazing league, and we will be going NDCLA, we wish the best of luck to BBB in the future.