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Beefing up the Wiki
Hey everyone! I've taken some time today to add two new pages to the Wikipedia to help any new members like myself, see what all there is to FMA! At the moment I've added Achievements and Trophy Case pages to the wikipedia that can showcase everything that would show up on your player profile!

Let me know of other things you would think can add a nice touch to the wiki page!

Director of Bands - South Charleston High School
Director of - The Mountaineers Drum & Bugle Corps -- Div. III
Detroit Parks & Recreation
Oh my god, thank you! Those are fine additions, and would definitely help new players in a huge way!
Director - Petaling Jaya Sound (DCL)
Director - Petaling Jaya Irama (LGDL)
- All-time Drumline Div. 3 RANK #7
Occasional Volunteer - Couchmen